Recent Submissions

  • Dataset on Firm Innovation: Merging Enterprise Surveys, Cultural Dimensions, and Economic Freedom Data 

    Aghazada, Elchin (School of Economics and Business Administration, 2024)
    This dataset is used in an academic paper investigating the influence of culture on firm innovation. The primary dataset is derived from the Enterprise Surveys (ES), a collaborative effort by the European Bank for ...
  • ISRD4 uuring Eestis 

    Markina, Anna; Žarkovski, Beata; Murakas, Rein (Tartu Ülikooli õigusteaduskond, 2024-04-26)
    Rahvusvahelise uuringu ISRD Eesti 4. laine aruanne
  • ISRD4 Eesti andmestik 

    Markina, Anna; Žarkovski, Beata; Murakas, Rein (Tartu Ülikooli õigusteaduskond, 2024-04-26)
    Rahvusvahelise noorte eneseraporteeritud hälbiva käitumise uuringu ISRD 4. laine Eesti andmestik (2023).
  • Parliamentary speech and media attention in Estonia, 2011-2019 

    Mölder, Martin; Lupacheva, Tatiana (Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, 2024-03-11)
    This data set includes the data that was used for the models that are reported in the paper "A Place to Speak and be Heard? Parliamentary Speech and Media Attention in Estonia, 2011-2019" that is set to be published in ...
  • Stakeholder Discourse on DMA and DSA 

    Diana, Alessio; Mölder, Martin; Romanov, Bogdan; Mollona, Edoardo (University of Tartu, 2023)
    The data set contains feedback from tech companies as well as other stakeholders that has been published during the legislative process of the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA). This data will ...

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