Mapping boundaries: Microprosodic and dialectal variability in the perception of Estonian long and overlong quantity (DATA)
Lippus, Pärtel; Kask, Liis; Lutter, Sofia; Põldver, Nele; Kreegipuu, Kairi
Name | Size | Description |
README.txt | 2.015Kb | Readme-file |
mapping_boundaries_data_analysis_R_code.html | 2.570Mb | the analysis in R Markdown document knitted into HTML |
mapping_boundaries_data_analysis_R_code.Rmd | 18.08Kb | R code of the analysis |
mapping_boundaries_dataset_full.Rda | 158.9Kb | the full data set in R data format |
mapping_boundaries_dataset_filtered.Rda | 343.0Kb | the R data file containing two tables analysed in the study |
mapping_boundaries_data_by_stimuli.csv | 12.14Mb | data by participant:stimulus |
mapping_boundaries_data_by_participants.csv | 39.28Kb | data by participants | | 845.0Kb | wav & TextGrid files of the base words | | 15.94Mb | stimuli wav files |
create_stimuli_by_lengthening_segments.praat.txt | 6.517Kb | Praat script for creating the stimuli by manipulating segmental duration |
create_stimuli_by_swaping_f0.praat.txt | 3.327Kb | Praat script for creating the stimuli by manipulating f0 |
baseword_pitch_tracks.praat.txt | 1.131Kb | Praat script for logging the f0 contours |
baseword_pitch_tracks.txt | 82.18Kb | f0 data of the base words |
This repository contains the data and code for the paper Lippus, Pärtel, Liis Kask, Sofia Lutter, Nele Põldver, Kairi Kreegipuu. 2025. Mapping boundaries: Microprosodic and dialectal variability in the perception of Estonian long and overlong quantity. – Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat = Estonian Papers in Applied Linguistics 21. This paper presents the results of a web-based perception experiment that tested the distinction of long (Q2) and overlong (Q2) quantity degrees in Estoniaan. Firstly, we observe segmental quality effect on the quantity perception. The stimuli were created from words with 8 different segmental combinations. The second aim of this study is to map the dialectal variability in Estonian quantity perception. There has been some evidence that the listeners from East and South dialect areas are less sensitive to pitch cue than those from North and West. The current study was carried out with 290 participants with various regional background. The results showed that different segmental quality sets have slightly different Q2–Q3 category boundaries. Also, the precision of quantity identification was considerably lower in the case of nonsense word set. Unexpectedly, we were not able to find a clear dialectal background effect.... Show more Show less
quantity; duration; pitch; microprosody; perception; dialectal variability; EstonianItem type
info:eu-repo/semantics/dataset; Data Paper; SoundCollections
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