Ühiskonna paremaks ning sügavamaks mõistmiseks on Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituudis sotsiaalteaduslike rakendusuuringute keskuse (RAKE), EL ja Venemaa uuringute keskus ning mitmeid huvitavaid akadeemilisi töörühmi, kus mõtestatakse ühiskondlikke muutusi ning otsitakse lahendusi elulistele probleemidele. Professorid, analüütikud ja tudengid koos otsivad vastuseid küsimustele, miks, kuidas ja kuhu peaksime edasi liikuma.


To achieve a better and deeper understanding of society, the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies hosts the Center for EU – Russia Studies, the Centre for Applied Social Sciences and various additional working units where every day we try to understand, give meaning to and offer solutions to actual problems. Professors, analysts, and students sit down together and attempt to find answers to truly important questions: How can we move forward? Why so and where to?

Collections in this community

Recent Submissions

  • Topic Models from GAFAM Discourse 

    Mölder, Martin; Mollona, Edoardo; Diana, Alessio (University of Tartu, 2025-03-21)
    This dataset contains the results of an LDA topic model with 200 topics that was applied to a combined corpus of newspaper articles about GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) companies (113 123 texts). The ...
  • Survey on Public Perceptions of Big Tech Companies in Europe 

    Ehin, Piret; Mölder, Martin; Talving, Liisa; Kondratyk, Yurii (Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, 2024-11-28)
    This data set contains a cross-country survey in 15 European countries on public perceptions of big-tech companies. The purpose of the dataset is to map out European citizens' perceptions of big-tech companies together ...
  • Environmental Politics Expert Survey 

    Haapanen, Ville (Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, 2024)
    This dataset consists of data on the positions of political parties on various environmental scales in 25 European countries. The expert survey was administered between June and July 2024 to 285 experts on political parties ...
  • Parliamentary speech and media attention in Estonia, 2011-2019 

    Mölder, Martin; Lupacheva, Tatiana (Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, 2024-03-11)
    This data set includes the data that was used for the models that are reported in the paper "A Place to Speak and be Heard? Parliamentary Speech and Media Attention in Estonia, 2011-2019" that is set to be published in ...
  • Stakeholder Discourse on DMA and DSA 

    Diana, Alessio; Mölder, Martin; Romanov, Bogdan; Mollona, Edoardo (University of Tartu, 2023)
    The data set contains feedback from tech companies as well as other stakeholders that has been published during the legislative process of the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA). This data will ...

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