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Environmental Politics Expert Survey
(Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, 2024)This dataset consists of data on the positions of political parties on various environmental scales in 25 European countries. The expert survey was administered between June and July 2024 to 285 experts on political parties ... -
Levodopa impairs lysosomal function in sensory neurons in vitro
(University of Tartu, 2024)Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common chronic, degenerative brain diseases worldwide. Patients are diagnosed on the basis of slowness of movement and/or tremor and/or stiffness. However, many symptoms that are ... -
Estonian wetland forest
(Tartu Ülikool, 2021)Nitrous oxide observations from the soil, stems and ecosystem (eddy covariance), meteorological and soil chemical measurements in the Agali experimental forest, Estonia, 2017-2019 -
TABLE. Summary of HIV guideline development, Estonia. Supplementary material to article Reinap M, et al. Strengthening guideline contextualization in the WHO European Region. Bull World Health Organ; 2024 (ID: BLT.24.291779)
(University of Tartu, 2024-08)Estonia developed its national HIV prophylaxis and treatment guideline („HIV-infektsiooni kokkupuute eelne ja järgne profülaktika ning HIV-positiivsete isikute ravi“) as a contextualization exercise using GRADE-Adolopment ... -
16th–18th-century drinking vessels with diamond-point engraved decorations
(Tallinna Ülikooli arheoloogia teaduskogu, 2024-07-15)Andmed koguti kasutades erinevaid avaldatud teoseid ja veebikogusid ning arheoloogilisi leide (Eesti, Soome, Läti). Eesmärgiks oli koostada andmestik 16.–18. sajandi façon de Venise graveeritud anumatest muuseumides ja ...
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