Recent Submissions

  • Dataset of archaeobotanical data from Estonian archaeological sites 

    Johanson, Kristiina; Unt, Agne; Hiie, Sirje (Department of Archaeology, Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu, 2024)
    This dataset contains archaeobotanical data from Estonian archaeological sites. The dataset consists of one table. It is being made public to act as supplementary data for the publication Johanson, K., Unt, A. & Hiie, S. ...
  • Dataset of zooarchaeological records from Jõelähtme stone-­cist cemetery 

    Rannamäe, Eve; Varul, Liivi; Tomek, Teresa (Department of Archaeology, Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu, 2024)
    This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological animal remains from Jõelähtme stone cist graves, Estonia (AI 5306).
  • Desirable writing group practices to build a sense of community to promote desirable feedback 

    Yallop, Roger (University of Tartu, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 2024-10-28)
    Desirable writing group practices to build a sense of community to promote desirable feedback A writing group meeting gives students the opportunity to give and receive oral feedback from each other in a harmonious ...
  • Useful cover letter practices within writing groups 

    Yallop, Roger (University of Tartu, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 2024-10-28)
    A cover letter is a pedagogical tool to elicit useful feedback within writing groups. From research conducted on participating students in Estonia as part of a postdoctoral research project funded by Estonian Research ...
  • Tartu Ülikooli liivi keele korpus 

    Norvik, Miina; Tuisk, Tuuli (Tartu Ülikool, eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut, 2024-06-29)
    Tartu Ülikooli liivi keele korpus on liivi keele näiteid koondav elektrooniline andmekogu. Esindatud on nii idaliivi, lääneliivi kui ka Īra keelekasutus. Suurem osa korpusesse koondatud materjalist pärineb kolmest ...

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