In addition, please read the DataDOI Policy.

1. Item submission and uploading data. Submission form

The data should be in final publishable state. It is in the responsibility of the submitters to guarantee the rights and permissions for uploading and sharing the data. Datasets should contain documentation (README.txt file) describing the purpose and terms of reuse as well as explaining how data was collected and how to use this specific dataset.

Filling out the submission form:

  • Log in to DataDOI with your username and password. If you are a member of University of Tartu, then use your university credentials. If you are a member of another university (e.g. Tallinn University) or institution and you are using DataDOI for the first time, then please first register with your e-mail to create an account
  • Select a collection where to upload data
  • Minimal mandatory fields to fill are author(s), title, date of issue, publisher, abstract, keywords, type and format
  • To make data easily findable, accessible and reusable add as much and relevant metadata as possible

Submission step 1 – Describe

  • Author(s) - author or authors of the dataset
  • Title - title of the dataset
  • Date of Issue - submit at least a year if day and month aren’t applicable
  • Publisher - an entity responsible for making the resource available. For example, University of Tartu, Tallinn University, an institute or a department etc
  • Abstract - short description of the dataset. It is possible to add more than one abstract (for example to give a description in different languages); use “add” button
  • Keywords - add relevant keywords that describe the dataset (it is possible to add more than one keyword by using “add” button)
  • Type - choose from the list all relevant types that describe the dataset
  • Format - file extension or MIME type to describe the format of your datafiles. For example TXT, CSV, PDF etc. (it is possible to add more than one format; use “add” button)
  • Geographical location - geographical region or named place where the data was gathered or about which the data is focused (it is possible to add more than one location; use “add” button)
  • Language - language of the main content of the dataset. If the language does not appear in the list, select 'Other'. If the content does not really have a language select 'N/A'
  • Rights - open, embargoed, restricted, closed. Open access or setting an embargo are the most common choices. You can set up an embargo in the next submission step
  • Project identifier - if the dataset is part of a project, then add a project identifier
  • Relation - other researches related to the dataset. To show the relation please use DOI, reference in an acceptable format or other relevant method. To ease your job, you can use a citation formatter (it is possible to add more than one relation; use “add” button)
  • Comments - comments related to the dataset. Free text

Submission step 2 – Access

  • Private - if you check the box, then the dataset won’t be searchable in DataDOI platform. However, the dataset is available through the direct link
  • Embargo - set an embargo for an anonymous group (regular user of the repository). Choose embargo and set the end date for embargo. You can add an embargo related description and reason if needed. Finally, be certain to click Confirm policy and add another button or else embargo (or other restrictions) won’t be applied
  • In case you do not need to set any restrictions or embargo just click Next

Submission step 3 – Upload

  • Click choose file to upload a relevant data file. It is also mandatory to add a file description. If there is more than one data file, then choose Upload file and add another and add a new data file. Files can be uploaded only one by one
  • In this step you can also add a README.txt file and other files connected to the dataset
  • Although DataDOI accepts all kinds of well known data types, we recommend to use data types listed in policy page. That assures that your data files are suitable for long-term preservation and usable in the future.

Submission step 4 – Review

  • Here you can see a review of the item and submitted data files. You can also edit and correct in this step

Submission step 5 – CC Licence

  • Here you can add a Creative Commons licence to your dataset and to assign in which way your dataset can be used. In case you want to add your own licence upload it as a separate file

Submission step 6 – Licence

  • Confirm that you agree the terms of uploading the data and preserving it in DataDOI. To and the submission click Complete submission

2. Reviewing and modifying the submission

Reviewing the submission

After you have completed the submission process, the system sends your dataset to the repository administrator for reviewing. If the dataset meets the requirements of the repository (metadata is relevant, README.txt file is included etc.), then your dataset is accepted to DataDOI, and DOI is registered.

If your dataset needs to be corrected or any additions, you will receive an e-mail explaining what corrections or editing must be done.

Modifying the submission

To modify your submission, click the link in the Submission Rejected e-mail and log in to DataDOI. You are directed to the Submissions page, where you can find the dataset(s) that have been reviewed, are waiting for a review or are already accepted to the repository. Choose the dataset you need to modify and click on the title of the dataset. Then find the button called Resume, click on that and start editing your dataset.

DOI is added to the dataset after repository administrators have verified that all relevant information and files (incl. README.txt) are submitted.

3. Size of the data files

Uploading the data files:

  • Data files can be uploaded one by one (submission step 3)
  • Via web interface it is possible to upload files that are up to 2GB
  • Compress your data files if needed
  • In case all your data files are bigger than 2GB please contact the repository administrators. There is no need to pre create the data item
  • If most of the data files are under 2GB and only some are over 2GB, then upload the smaller data files and for larger ones contact the repository administrators
  • If there is a great amount of small data files and uploading them one by one is very labour-intensive, then contact the repository administrators. There is no need to pre create the data item
  • If the amount of your data files is very large within one item, then it is a good idea to create an item in two (or more) parts. Notice that metadata is the same for all items and items are connected to each other through the relation field

4. Editing the data item (for community or collection administrators)

You can edit the data items if you are a community or collection administrator.

In case you upload updated data files, do not remove the previous versions because someone might have already referenced to it in their research paper. To distinguish different versions of data files, use a version number (for example data_v1, data_v2 etc.).

N.B. If you are a regular user and need to edit your data item, please contact the repository administrator.

  • To edit a data item, log in to DataDOI and open an item you want to edit
  • On the right menu bar, you’ll find edit this item
  • In the next window you’ll see: item status, item files, item metadata, view item
  • Item status - in this window you’ll see all kinds of information related to the item. Here you can change authorization policies (for example change the accessibility of some or all data files), remove (withdraw) the item from the repository (item is still accessible to the depositor and repository administrators), move the item to another community or collection, make the item private and delete the item from the repository. N.B. Please be cautios with deleting the item from the repository and use this option only if it is unavoidable
  • Item files - in this window you can delete files and add new files
  • Item metadata - in this window you can add and delete metadata. Explanations for metadata fields can be found here
  • View item - overview of the item

If you have any questions, please contact: