Browsing Psühholoogia andmed by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
(2020-09-03)We studied how linguistic and non-linguistic auditory input is recognized and distinguished by the brain among native and language naïve speakers, and how that might influence the ability to process changes in duration and ... -
Subjectively different emotional schematic faces not automatically discriminated from the brain’s bioelectrical responses
(2021)The present study investigates how the brain automatically discriminates emotional schematic faces, as indicated by the mismatch responses, and how reliable these brain responses are. Thirty-three healthy volunteers ... -
Perceptual asymmetries and auditory processing of Estonian quantities
(2021)Similar to visual perception, auditory perception also has a clearly described “pop-out” effect, where an element with some extra feature is easier to detect among elements without an extra feature. This phenomenon is ... -
Eyebrow angle and gaze direction as modulators of the emotional value of schematic faces: a visual mismatch response (vMMR) study (data)
(Tartu Ülikooli psühholoogia instituut, 2022)The aim of the present study was to examine if systematic manipulating with eyebrows and gaze directions expected to change the emotional value of schematic faces has an influence on the subjective and automatic discrimination ... -
Native Language Background Affects the Perception of Duration and Pitch
(University of Tartu, Institute of Psychology, 2023)Estonian is a quantity language where both a primary duration cue and a secondary pitch cue exist, whereas Chinese is a tonal language that features a dominant use of pitch. Native speakers of both languages (63 Estonian ... -
Effect of Musical Expertise the Perception of Duration and Pitch in Language: A Cross-linguistic Study
(University of Tartu, Institute of Psychology, 2023)This study adopts a cross-linguistic perspective and investigates how musical expertise affects the perception of duration and pitch in language. Native speakers of Chinese (N=44) and Estonian (N=46), each group subdivided ... -
Exploring Pitch and Length Perception: An EEG Study on Quantity Discrimination in preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder
(Tartu Ülikool, Psühholoogia instituut, 2024)Here, we present the raw EEG data from our investigation into the neurophysiological differences in language processing between children with developmental language disorder (DLD) and their typically developing peers. ... -
Mapping boundaries: Microprosodic and dialectal variability in the perception of Estonian long and overlong quantity (DATA)
(University of Tartu, 2025)This repository contains the data and code for the paper Lippus, Pärtel, Liis Kask, Sofia Lutter, Nele Põldver, Kairi Kreegipuu. 2025. Mapping boundaries: Microprosodic and dialectal variability in the perception of Estonian ...