Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Eesti maapõue kirjeldamise standardiseerimine.
Üleminekuga digitaalsele geoloogilisele kaardistamisele astuti Eestis oluline samm lähemale maapõue 3D mudelite süstemaatilise kasutamise suunas. Kogu Eestit käsitlevate mudelite koostamine peaks põhimõtteliselt tuginema ...
Lõuna-, Kesk- ja Kirde-Eesti aluspõhjakivimite stratotüüpsete paljandite seisundi hindamine
Käesolev projekt on Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjoni algatatud jätkuprojekti neljas etapp, mis viidi läbi Lõuna-, Kesk- ja Kirde-Eestis ning tegeles stratotüüpsete läbilõigete seisundi kirjeldamise ja nende püsivuse ...
Supplementary data
(University of Tartu, 2021-07-30)
C and O isotope data for late Ordovician and early Silurian to evaluate the palaeotemperatures and palaeoenvironmental variability in Baltica from bulk rock and brachiopod shells.
Managing coastal grasslands for an endangered wader species can give a positive result only when expanding the area of open landscape
1) The rapid loss of wetlands has caused a severe decline in the biota associated with these habitats. In Europe, the loss of wet grasslands has seriously affected breeding waders, whose numbers have halved in past 50 years ...
(University of Tartu, 2019)
Higher humidity, which is predicted for northern latitudes, can cause significant changes in forest growth and function. Increase in air humidity at FAHM experimental site, Estonia, has shown to affect tree water status ...
Projekti "Veekaitsevööndite reostustundlikkuse ja kaldavööndi puhverribade rajamise vajalikkuse hinnangute kaardikihtide loomine" andmete arhiiv
Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse rahastatud projekti “Veekaitsevööndite reostustundlikkuse ja kaldavööndi puhverribade rajamise vajalikkuse hinnangute kaardikihtide loomine” käigus loodud kaardikihtide arhiiv. Töö tulemus ...
Soilmap of Estonia - Mullastiku kaart
This is a reference archive for the soilmap of Estonia. It serves as point of reference and archive
for subsequent and dependent work in order to be able to relate derivatives back to original source by the Landboard.
Eesti ...
GRQA: Global River Water Quality Archive
A major problem related to large-scale water quality modeling has been the lack of available observation data with a good spatiotemporal coverage. This has affected the reproducibility of previous studies and the potential ...
Baltoscandian Ordovician and Silurian brachiopod carbon and oxygen stable isotope trends: Implications for palaeoenvironmental and palaeotemperature changes
(University of Tartu, 2022-08-04)
Oxygen isotope paleotemperature studies of the Palaeozoic carbonates are based mainly on brachiopod shell material which is resistant to diagenesis and generally precipitated in oxygen isotopic equilibrium with ambient ...
The high-resolution topsoil plant-available phosphorus map of Estonia
(University of Tartu, 2023-04-21)
The high-resolution (1:10,000) hybrid topsoil plant-available phosphorus map was produced by combining: (a) arable-land polygons with the median topsoil P value, (b) the machine learning bagging model based predicted values ...