Browsing UT Humaniora by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 56
Meadow Mari Prosody data
(2005)This dataset contains the segmental durations, F0 measurements and formant values F1-F3 from the vowels in 1-4 syllable words in Meadow Mari, a Finno-Ugric language. 8 native speakers read a list of 100 sentences, each ... -
Therinia Makri Shad Khla
(Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu, 2012-01)Therinia Makri, sings the Shad Khla (dance of the tiger) and plays the muiñ musical instrument -
Quantity-related variation of duration, pitch and vowel quality in spontaneous Estonian (data)
(2013)This dataset is collected from the University of Tartu Phonetic Corpus of Estonian Spontaneous Speech. The dataset consists of words with CVCV (consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel) and CVCCV structure and it has been collected ... -
Talet Makri on Rivers in Meghalaya
(Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu, 2014-02)Talet Makri, tradition bearer, sings a vernacular folksong on the topics of rivers and water -
Context-dependent articulation of consonant gemination in Estonian (data)
(2017)This dataset is collected from 4 native Estonian speakers with Carstens AG-500 electromagnetic articulograph articluating the 27 combinations of disyllabic words for the purpose of studying gemination in the Estonian ... -
(Non-)Literalness ratings for Estonian particle verbs
(2018-06)(Non-)literalness dataset of 1481 sentences formed with 184 Estonian particle verbs. Sentences are evaluated by 3 native speakers of Estonian on a 6-point scale [0,5] indicating the degree of compositionality of a particle ... -
Inari Saami geminates
(2018-11-08)Data extracted from the Inari Saami prosody corpus (, used in Türk et al (2018). The Acoustic Correlates of Quantity in Inari Saami. Journal of Phonetics. Target words ... -
Pretrained word and multi-sense embeddings for Estonian
(2019)Word and multi-sense embedding for Estonian trained on lemmatized etTenTen: Corpus of the Estonian Web. Word embeddings are trained with word2vec. Sense embeddings are trained with SenseGram. Sense inventory is induced ... -
Kodavere kihelkonnas 19. sajandil sündinud lapsed
(2019)Anna Edela bakalaureusetöös kasutatud andmed, mis pärinevad 19. sajandi EELK Kodavere koguduse sünnimeetrikatest, mis on üleval Eesti ajalooarhiivi Saaga andmebaasis. Need sisaldavad Kodavere kihelkonnas 1835., 1840., ... -
Photographic repository and RTI imaging of paleopathological lesions in fetal and perinatal human remains
(2019-05)This repository is a further step in the study of perinatal metabolic disease patterns. The paleopathological findings of six child burials discovered in the Medieval and Early Modern cemetery of St Jacob (Tartu, Estonia) ... -
Foneetikakorpuse sagedussõnastik
(2019-06-20)Eesti keele spontaanse kõne foneetilise korpuse sagedussõnastik on koostatud korpuse v.1.0.5 (20.06.2019, doi:10.15155/1-00-0000-0000-0000-001A3L) versiooni põhjal, kui korpuses oli märgendatud 685 750 sõna (89 tundi ja ... -
Application of Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) to surface bone changes in paleopathology
(2020)The paper associated to this repository evaluates the applicability of Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) to the study of pathological surface changes in human remains. A sample of 45 human bones and teeth from ... -
Bird bones from the archaeological excavations in the castle of the Teutonic Order in Klaipėda, Lithuania, in 2016
(Tartu Ülikool, 2020)The dataset contains bird bone identifications by Freydis Ehrlich from May 2020 and is the dataset used for a publication Ehrlich et al 2020: The bird bones were found from the ... -
Distribution of categorised feedback comments (e.g. class, sub-class, and features) by feedback exchange group and by group member
(2020)This entry contains data on the categorisation and classification of asynchronous written peer feedback comments within one doctorate writing group over a three-month period. The research data should be used in tandem with ... -
Bird bones from archaeological excavations in Viljandi, Estonia, from 1987 to 2014
(University of Tartu, 2020)The dataset contains bird bone identifications by Freydis Ehrlich, Eve Rannamäe and Teresa Tomek from 2009-2018. The bird bones come from 35 archaeological excavations conducted in the town of Viljandi in 1987-2014. The ... -
ATR-FT-IR spectra of adhesives from Estonia, Russia and Belarus
(2021)ATR-FT-IR spectra of 100 adhesive samples from different prehistoric composite artifacts, pottery and amorphous lumps across Eastern Europe and Urals. The spectra are available in the original research article by Chen et ... -
Data and R code for "Verbs of horizontal and vertical motion: a corpus study in Estonian"
(University of Tartu, 2021)Data and statistical code used in the paper "Verbs of horizontal and vertical motion: a corpus study in Estonian" (accepted by the Finnish Journal of Linguistics 2021) -
Data and R code for "Manner of motion in Estonian: A descriptive account of speed"
(University of Tartu, 2021)Data and statistical code used in the paper "Manner of motion in Estonian: A descriptive account of speed" (accepted by the Studies in Language in 2021). Authors of the paper: Piia Taremaa and Anetta Kopecka. -
Data and R code for "Constructional variation in Estonian: demonstrative pronouns and adverbs as determiners in noun phrases"
(2021)Data and R code used in the paper "Constructional variation in Estonian: demonstrative pronouns and adverbs as determiners in noun phrases" (accepted by Lingua 2021)