• Data of binary transition metal and ZIF-8 functionalised polymer-derived ceramic catalysts for high temperature PEM fuel cell cathode 

    Mooste, Marek; Müller-Hülstede, Julia; Schonvogel, Dana; Zierdt, Tanja; Buschermohle, Julia; Fuhrmann, Killian; Wilhelm, Michaela; Wagner, Peter; Friedrich, K. Andreas (Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu, Ravila 14a, 50411 Tartu, Estonia, 2025)
    This dataset contains the data presented in the figures of published paper "Binary transition metal and ZIF-8 functionalised polymer-derived ceramic catalysts for high temperature PEM fuel cell cathode" Electrochimica Acta ...
  • Data of bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst based on Fe, Co, and nitrogen co-doped graphene-coated alumina nanofibers for Zn-air battery air electrode 

    Mooste, Marek; Ahmed, Zubair; Kapitulskis, Pavels; Ivanov, Roman; Treshchalov, Alexey; Piirsoo, Helle-Mai; Kikas, Arvo; Kisand, Vambola; Kukli, Kaupo; Hussainova, Irina; Tammeveski, Kaido (Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu, Ravila 14a, 50411 Tartu, Estonia, 2024)
    This dataset contains the data presented in the figures of pulbished paper "Bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst based on Fe, Co, and nitrogen co-doped graphene-coated alumina nanofibers for Zn-air battery air electrode" ...
  • Dataset of microremains from Estonian Bronze Age dental calculus samples 

    Unt, Agnes (Tartu Ülikool, 2025-01)
    This dataset represents the results of dental calculus analysis from three individuals’ teeth buried at Jõelähtme cemetery during the Bronze Age in Estonia. The dataset accompanies the article "Segregated food culture? ...
  • Design Requirements Dataset for a Social Robot in Children's Social Skills Training 

    Piirisild, Anu; Roštšinskaja, Alina; Kruusamäe, Karl; Zinatullin, Leonid; Eist, Rasmus; Kolk, Anneli; Kaasik, Friedrich; Aabloo, Alvo (Tartu Ülikool, Tehnoloogiainstituut, 2025)
    This dataset contains the requirements for the SemuBot. SemuBot is an open-source Social Assistive Robots (SAR) platform specifically designed for robot-mediated training sessions for children with communication and speech ...
  • Dataset of microremains from Estonian Bronze Age food crust samples 

    Johanson, Kristiina (Department of Archaeology, Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu, 2025-01)
    This dataset contains detailed analysis of microfossils from nine pottery foodcrust samples, taken from Iru Bronze Age fortified settlement and Bronze Age cemeteries in Iru, Muuksi and Jaani at Väo. The dataset accompanies ...

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Tiiu Tarkpea

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