Final Iron Age forts and settlement in Estonia
Siig, Kristo
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EST: Andmepakett sisaldab andmeid ja R-i skripte 11.-13. sajandi Eesti linnuste ja erinevate asustust mudeldavate ruumiandmestike (viljakad mullad, kirjalikest allikatest tuntud külad, arheoloogilised asulakohad ja matusepaigad, varauusaegsed mõisad) kohta. Andmepakett on koostatud 2024. aastal Tallinna Ülikooli doktorandi Kristo Siia doktoritöö raames. Andmetega seotud uurimisstrateegiat demonstreerib artikkel Siig 2022 (vt viide allpool).
ENG: This is a data package containing data and scripts on forts and different proxies of settlement (fertile soils, recorded villages, settlement sites, burial sites, early modern manors) in 11th-13th century Estonia. The dataset was created by Kristo Siig in 2024 as part of my PhD dissertation work on locational aspects of Iron Age forts in northern Estonia and, more specifically, an article about the hill-fort of Varbola and other 11th to 13th century strongholds in Northwestern Estonia. The basics of the research applications are described in the following paper: Siig, K. 2022. What does location say about function? Using computational methods for analysing how Late Iron Age fortified sites in Estonia are located in the landscape. – Fortifications in their Natural and Cultural Landscape: From Organising Space to the Creation of Power. Papers presented at the International workshop ‘The location of hillforts in their natural and cultural landscape’, organised by the EAA Community on Fortification Research (COMFORT) Schleswig, March 5th/6th, 2020 and the EAA-session #448 (Budapest 2020) ‘Just a demonstration of power? The setting of strongholds within their landscape’ August 29th, 2020. Eds. T. Ibsen; K. Ilves, B. Maixner, S. Messal, & J. Schneeweiß. (Schriften des Archäologischen Landesmuseums, Ergänzungsreihe, Band 15) Habelt-Verlag, Bonn, 119–140.... Show more Show less
arheoloogia; linnused; ruumianalüüs; Taani Hindamisraamat; asustusajaluguItem type
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