Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituut: Viimati lisatud
6.-10. nimetus 10-st
PB voting data
(Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, ECePS ERA Chair in e-Governance and Digital Public Services, University of Tartu, Estonia, 2022-10)The dataset contains structured data on voting for participatory budgeting projects in selected Ukrainian communities from 2017 through 2020. -
OGP voting data
(Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, ECePS ERA Chair in e-Governance and Digital Public Services, University of Tartu, 2022-01)The dataset constitutes a collection of URLs to reports by the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM). These reports are of the countries that have reportedly practiced voting for OGP ... -
OGP voting cases
(Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, ECePS ERA Chair in e-Governance and Digital Public Services, University of Tartu, Estonia, 2022-01)The dataset is the overall sample of countries that have reportedly practiced voting for choosing Open Government Partnership (OGP) commitments during their co-creation processes in 2014 through 2020. -
Nutika spetsialiseerumise seiresüsteem ja tõhus valitsemine
(Tartu Ülikooli sotsiaalteaduslike rakendusuuringute keskus RAKE, 2021)Uuringu "Nutika spetsialiseerumise seiresüsteem ja tõhus valitsemine" lõpparuanne ja lisad. Uuringu tulemusel loodi nutika spetsialiseerumise (NS) juhtimismudel ning selle osana NS fookusvaldkondade (FV) arengu seiresüsteem. ... -
“Käpp ja Käsi“ programmiga sarnased loomi kaasavad sekkumised ja nende mõju õigusrikkujatele: teaduskirjanduse süstemaatiline analüüs
(MTÜ Käpp ja Käsi, 2021-02)Scientific literature includes numerous studies that describe animal-assisted interventions. However, the impact of programs that resemble the Estonian correctional pilot-program „Paw and Hand“ on offenders is unknown. ...