Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Data and R code for "Verbs of horizontal and vertical motion: a corpus study in Estonian"
(University of Tartu, 2021)
Data and statistical code used in the paper "Verbs of horizontal and vertical motion: a corpus study in Estonian" (accepted by the Finnish Journal of Linguistics 2021)
Data and R code for 'Speed as a dimension of manner in Estonian frog stories' (Taremaa et al.)
(University of Tartu, 2022)
Data and statistical code used in the paper "Speed as a dimension of manner in Estonian frog stories" (accepted by the Journal of Nordic Linguistics in 2022)
Data and R code for 'Speed and space' (Taremaa & Kopecka)
(University of Tartu, 2022)
Data and statistical code used in the paper "Speed and space: semantic asymmetries in motion descriptions in Estonian" (published in Cognitive Linguistics; Ahead of Print, published online 8 December 2022)
Data and R code for "Manner of motion in Estonian: A descriptive account of speed"
(University of Tartu, 2021)
Data and statistical code used in the paper "Manner of motion in Estonian: A descriptive account of speed" (accepted by the Studies in Language in 2021). Authors of the paper: Piia Taremaa and Anetta Kopecka.
Data and R code for "Constructional variation in Estonian: demonstrative pronouns and adverbs as determiners in noun phrases"
Data and R code used in the paper "Constructional variation in Estonian: demonstrative pronouns and adverbs as determiners in noun phrases" (accepted by Lingua 2021)
Andmekogum ja lisamaterjalid artiklile „Liikumisverbid horisontaalsel ja vertikaalsel teljel. Ühe sorteerimiskatse tulemused“ (Keel ja Kirjandus 3/2021; Piia Taremaa)
Admekogum artiklile „Liikumisverbid horisontaalsel ja vertikaalsel teljel. Ühe sorteerimiskatse tulemused“ (Keel ja Kirjandus 3/2021; Piia Taremaa). Andmekogumisse kuuluvad: 1) statistiline kood; 2) statistilise analüüsi ...
Andmed ja R-i kood artiklile "Kas moos ja buss seisavad endiselt? "seisma"-verbi polüseemia ja seismise kehaline kogemus"
(Tartu Ülikool, Eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut, 2023)
See andmekogu sisaldab kahe keeleteadusliku katse toorandmeid ja puhastatud andmeid, katsete tulemustel põhineb artikkel "Kas moos ja buss seisavad endiselt? "seisma"-verbi polüseemia ja seismise kehaline kogemus". Samuti ...