Eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut: Viimati lisatud
11.-15. nimetus 29-st
Eesti murrete korpus
(Tartu Ülikool, eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut, 2022-11-23)Eesti murrete korpus on kõiki eesti murdeid hõlmav elektrooniline andmekogu. Korpus koosneb helisalvestistest, foneetilises transkriptsioonis murdetekstidest, lihtsustatud transkriptsioonis murdetekstidest, morfoloogiliselt ... -
Data and R code for 'Speed and space' (Taremaa & Kopecka)
(University of Tartu, 2022)Data and statistical code used in the paper "Speed and space: semantic asymmetries in motion descriptions in Estonian" (published in Cognitive Linguistics; Ahead of Print, published online 8 December 2022) -
Data and R code for 'Speed as a dimension of manner in Estonian frog stories' (Taremaa et al.)
(University of Tartu, 2022)Data and statistical code used in the paper "Speed as a dimension of manner in Estonian frog stories" (accepted by the Journal of Nordic Linguistics in 2022) -
Data and R code for "Manner of motion in Estonian: A descriptive account of speed"
(University of Tartu, 2021)Data and statistical code used in the paper "Manner of motion in Estonian: A descriptive account of speed" (accepted by the Studies in Language in 2021). Authors of the paper: Piia Taremaa and Anetta Kopecka. -
Annex 1 to the article "The role of language exposure in mediated receptive multilingualism"
(Lähivõrdlusi. Lähivertailuja, 2021-10)The annex 1 to the article "The role of language exposure in mediated receptive multilingualism" presents the socio-linguistic questionnaire that was used in the current study.