Now showing items 1-349 of 349

      ab initio calculations [1]
      actuator [2]
      adsorption [1]
      Aerosol and Clouds [1]
      Aerosol cloud impacts [1]
      aerosol-cloud interaction [1]
      Aerosol-cloud interactions [1]
      aerosol-cloud interactions [1]
      Aerosols [1]
      Air chemistry [1]
      Air conductivity [1]
      Air ions [5]
      Air pollution [1]
      Air trace gases [1]
      ajalookaardid [1]
      Alkaline membrane fuel cell [1]
      allveeliuguri mõõtmised [1]
      Aluspõhi [1]
      animatsioon [1]
      Anion exchange membrane fuel cell [2]
      Anion exchange membrane fuel cell, Electrocatalysis, HMT-PMBI, Non-precious metal catalyst, Oxygen reduction [1]
      Anion exchange membrane fuel cells [1]
      Anion-exchange membrane fuel cell [1]
      anion-exchange membrane fuel cell [1]
      anomaly removal [1]
      anorgaaniline süsinikuringe [1]
      anthropogenic climate forcing [1]
      antibacterial [1]
      ArcGIS [1]
      archive [1]
      Arctic [2]
      Arctic climate [2]
      artifact [1]
      artifact segmentation [1]
      Artificial Intelligence [1]
      arvutuseeskiri [1]
      atmosphere [2]
      Atmospheric aerosol [4]
      atmospheric boundary layer [2]
      Atmospheric Electricity [3]
      Atmospheric electricity [2]
      Atmospheric intermediate ions [1]
      Atmospheric radon [1]
      autonoomsed mõõtmised [1]
      äpp [1]
      bagging model [1]
      basicity [1]
      BB-LIFT [1]
      Bifunctional catalyst [1]
      Bifunctional catalysts [1]
      big data [1]
      Blockchain [1]
      Blockchain Oracles [1]
      Blockchain platforms [1]
      Blockchain-based applications [1]
      Blockhain [1]
      Boreal Baltic coastal meadow [1]
      Boreal environment [1]
      brachiopods [1]
      breeding habitat selection [1]
      bright-field microscopy [2]
      brightfield microscopy [1]
      calibration [1]
      canopy structure [1]
      carbide-derived carbons [1]
      Carbon and Oxygen [2]
      Carbon nanofibers [1]
      Carbon nanofibres [2]
      Carbon nanomaterial [2]
      carbon nanotubes [2]
      CC50 [1]
      Cell segmentation [1]
      Charadrii [1]
      CHO-K1 [1]
      choline [3]
      Clay briquettes [1]
      Climate change [1]
      climate change [2]
      Climate forcing [1]
      Cloud computing [1]
      CNF [1]
      CO2 partsiaalrõhk [1]
      conductive polymer [2]
      cone angle [1]
      COSMO-RS [2]
      CPC angle [1]
      cyanocarbon acids [1]
      Decentralized applications [1]
      Deep convolutional neural networks [1]
      deep convolutional neural networks [1]
      deep learning [1]
      density functional theory [1]
      Devon [1]
      differential scanning calorimetry [1]
      digitaalkartograafia [1]
      DNA-põhine [1]
      drone survey [1]
      droon [1]
      E-ITS [2]
      eDNA [1]
      EDX [1]
      EELIS [1]
      Eesti [2]
      Eesti Infoturbestandard [1]
      eesti mereala [1]
      Electrocatalysis [6]
      electrocatalysis [3]
      electrochemistry [1]
      electronic parameters [1]
      Electrospinning [4]
      Electrospun carbon nanofibres [1]
      elupaigatüübid [1]
      Environmental datasets [2]
      Estonia [1]
      Estonian Information Security Standard [1]
      ETAG [1]
      eutectic mixture [1]
      Failure Prediction [1]
      Fault-tolerance [1]
      Fe-N-C catalyst [1]
      Fire Weather Index [1]
      Fluorescence anisotropy [1]
      Fluorescence microscopy [1]
      fluorescence microscopy [2]
      Fluorescence polarization [1]
      fluorestsentsi kineetikameetod [1]
      forested landscape [1]
      fotosüntees [1]
      fuel load [1]
      fütoplanktoni biomass [1]
      gas-phase acidity [1]
      gelatin [1]
      geofüüsikaline kaugseire [1]
      Geoloogia [2]
      geoloogiline kaardistamine [1]
      Geostationary satellite [1]
      Geostationary SEVIRI satellite data [1]
      GPCR [1]
      graphene [1]
      ground truth [1]
      ground-based measurements [1]
      H2 adsorption [1]
      H2 diffusion [1]
      hapestumise indikaator [1]
      hapniku stabiilsete isotoopide (16O, 17O ja 18O) meetod [1]
      haug [3]
      hea keskkonnaseisund [1]
      hoovusmõõtmised [1]
      HR-SEM [1]
      hydrology [1]
      Ilastik [1]
      ilmaradari andmed [1]
      image analysis [1]
      information security evaluation [1]
      infoturbe mõõtmine [1]
      inimmõju [1]
      inimtekkelised survetegurid [2]
      Ion-induced nucleation [1]
      ionic liquid [3]
      kalade taastootmisalad [1]
      kalade täiend [1]
      kalavarud [1]
      kalibreerimine [1]
      Kambrium [1]
      Kartograafia [1]
      kaugseire [3]
      kaugseire rakendamine Eestis [1]
      kaugseire rakendused Eestis [1]
      kaugseire rakenduste teostatavus [1]
      kaugseire seade HySpex [2]
      keskkonna DNA [1]
      keskkonnaparameetrid [1]
      keskkonnaseisundi hindamine [2]
      klorofüll-a [1]
      koelmu realiseerunud kvaliteet [1]
      koelmukvaliteet [1]
      kohtvaatlus [1]
      kudealad [3]
      kumulatiivne keskkonnamõjude hindamine [2]
      lahustunud anorgaaniline süsinik [1]
      land use [1]
      LiDAR data [1]
      ligand binding kinetics [1]
      Long-term environmental measurements [4]
      Long-term measurements [2]
      loodusdirektiiv [3]
      looduskaitseline seisund [1]
      M-N-C catalyst [1]
      M4 muscarinic receptor [2]
      maaamet [1]
      maapealsed mõõtmised [1]
      machine learning [1]
      madalaveelised elupaigad [1]
      mageveekalad [2]
      Maturity model [1]
      Measurement campaigns; Copernicus program; Satellite validation [1]
      Measurement networks; Measurement campaigns; Copernicus supersites; Satellite validation [1]
      mere ökosüsteemid [1]
      merekeskkonna seire [1]
      merepõhja elupaigad [3]
      merepõhja geoloogia [1]
      merepõhja kaevandamine [1]
      mereruumi planeerimine [1]
      merestrateegia raamdirektiiv [4]
      merevee hapsetumine [1]
      merevee seire [1]
      Mesoporous carbon support [1]
      metaanalüüs [1]
      metal oxide [1]
      Metal phthalocyanine [3]
      metal phthalocyanines [2]
      metatriipkoodistamine [1]
      MIC [1]
      Microbial fuel cell [1]
      middle Ordovician [1]
      Mobility distribution [5]
      MOFs [1]
      molecular dynamics [1]
      Monocrystal XRD [1]
      mõjumaatriks [1]
      mudelliik [1]
      mulla [1]
      mullastiku kaart [1]
      N-doped graphene oxide [1]
      N2 adsorption isotherms [1]
      N2O [1]
      Nanometer aerosol particles [5]
      New particle formation in atmosphere [1]
      NMR [1]
      Non-precious metal catalyst [7]
      non-precious metal catalyst [1]
      nutitelefoni rakendus [1]
      Ny-Ålesund [1]
      One second aged ions [1]
      optiline kaugseire [2]
      ordination model [1]
      Ordoviitsium [1]
      ortofotod [2]
      otoliit [1]
      Oxygen evolution reaction [3]
      oxygen evolution reaction [2]
      Oxygen reduction [6]
      oxygen reduction [1]
      Oxygen reduction reaction [4]
      oxygen reduction reaction [3]
      palaeotemperature [1]
      palladium catalyst [1]
      Particle size distribution [2]
      Pd catalyst [1]
      PEMFC [1]
      pH mõõtmised [1]
      phase diagram [1]
      Phosphane [1]
      phosphanes [1]
      Phosphazene [1]
      Phosphonium ylide [1]
      photocatalytic [1]
      pilootala [1]
      pinnavee seisund [1]
      plant-available phosphorus [1]
      plasma assisted deposition [1]
      Polish Polar Station in Hornsund [1]
      polycyano compounds [1]
      polypyrrole [2]
      Põhjasõda [1]
      praimer [1]
      precipitation [1]
      primaarproduktsioon [1]
      Proteomics [1]
      qPCR meetod [1]
      quasi-elastic neutron scattering [1]
      radar [1]
      radioaktiivse süsiniku ( 14C) meetod [1]
      rahvateadus [1]
      rain-gauge [1]
      Random forest [2]
      rannikumeri [2]
      rannikuturism [1]
      ränivetikad [1]
      realtive humidity [2]
      reconstruction monitoring [1]
      Red clay [1]
      reed bed [1]
      reforestation [1]
      Reliability [1]
      remote sensing [2]
      remote sensing for construction [1]
      Requirements engineering [2]
      Ribosome [1]
      ringmajandus [1]
      RITA [1]
      Sand [1]
      satelliitseire [1]
      Security evaluation [1]
      Security risks [1]
      seire [1]
      seismoakustiline profiil [1]
      sekveneerimine [1]
      SEVIRI [1]
      Shungite [1]
      siirdekalad [2]
      Silur [1]
      sinimajandus [1]
      sinine biotehnoloogia [1]
      sinise kasvu strateegia [1]
      Size distribution [1]
      soil [2]
      soilmap [1]
      Southern Dunlin [1]
      Spitsbergen [2]
      steric parameters [1]
      Stratigraafia [1]
      SurfBee ujuvrobot [1]
      Svalbard [2]
      Systematic literature review [1]
      taastootmisalad [1]
      täppissademed [1]
      tethersonde soundings [2]
      topsoil phosphorus mapping [1]
      toxicity [1]
      Transition metal oxide, Graphene nanoribbons, Nitrogen-doped carbon, Oxygen reduction reaction, Oxygen evolution reaction, Zinc-air battery [1]
      tsüanobakterid [1]
      turgutusalad [2]
      U-Net [1]
      UR-CG072 [1]
      Usability Inspection Method [2]
      Uudepanga laht [1]
      uurimislaeva läbivoolusüsteem [1]
      üldleeliselisus [1]
      validation [1]
      valideerimine [1]
      van Dorni batomeer [1]
      veebipõhine tööriist [2]
      veepoliitika raamdirektiiv [1]
      vertical profiles of air temperature [2]
      vesiviljelus [1]
      VOC, NOx, RH, soil moisture, water potential, Xylem flux, osmotic potentialal [1]
      võõrliikide tuvastamine [2]
      water quality [1]
      wet grassland [1]
      wetland forest [1]
      White clay [1]
      wildfire prevention [1]
      wind speed and wind direction [2]
      window glass [1]
      Zeolitic imidazolate framework [1]
      Zinc-air battery [3]
      zinc-air battery [1]
      ZrO2 [1]