Browsing UT Realia by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 119
OneSecondAirIons_2011_1. Dataset of corona-generated air ion measurements
(University of Tartu, 2015)The dataset provides a sample of the results obtained by measurements of the mobility distributions of one-second-aged corona-generated ions formed in the ambient atmospheric air. It presents the detailed mobility distribution ... -
FinEstIon2003_06. Dataset of air ion and atmospheric nanoparticle measurements
(Tartu Ülikool, 2015-02-26) -
(Tartu Ülikool, 2015-03-16) -
(Tartu Ülikool, 2015-03-17) -
Nanoion 2010-11
(Tartu Ülikool, 2015-03-17) -
Vertical profiles of atmospheric variables based on tethersonde soundings from Hornsund
(Department of Geography, University of Tartu, 2015-04)Arctic fjords are usually surrounded by a complex orography of mountains, valleys and glaciers, which complicates the dynamics of the air flow. Between different fjords in Svalbard temperature and wind regime can vary ... -
Vertical profiles of atmospheric variables based on tethersonde soundings from Ny-Ålesund
(Department of Geography, University of Tartu, 2015-04)The melt of snow and sea ice in Svalbard and its fjords is strongly controlled by the radiative and turbulent surface fluxes. The fluxes depend, among others, on the structure of and processes in the ABL. Over a complex ... -
Eesti maapõue kirjeldamise standardiseerimine.
(2017)Üleminekuga digitaalsele geoloogilisele kaardistamisele astuti Eestis oluline samm lähemale maapõue 3D mudelite süstemaatilise kasutamise suunas. Kogu Eestit käsitlevate mudelite koostamine peaks põhimõtteliselt tuginema ... -
Lõuna-, Kesk- ja Kirde-Eesti aluspõhjakivimite stratotüüpsete paljandite seisundi hindamine
(2017)Käesolev projekt on Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjoni algatatud jätkuprojekti neljas etapp, mis viidi läbi Lõuna-, Kesk- ja Kirde-Eestis ning tegeles stratotüüpsete läbilõigete seisundi kirjeldamise ja nende püsivuse ... -
Dataset of air ion measurements Tahkuse_1993_1994
(Tartu Ülikool, 2017)The dataset makes available measurements of the mobility distributions of charged molecular clusters and fine aerosol particles in unpolluted atmospheric air at a rural area. The charged molecules and clusters up to 1.6 ... -
Dataset of air ion and aerosol measurements. Tahkuse 2004-2014
(Tartu Ülikool, 2017) -
Soilmap of Estonia - Mullastiku kaart
(2017-03-01)This is a reference archive for the soilmap of Estonia. It serves as point of reference and archive for subsequent and dependent work in order to be able to relate derivatives back to original source by the Landboard. Eesti ... -
Managing coastal grasslands for an endangered wader species can give a positive result only when expanding the area of open landscape
(2018)1) The rapid loss of wetlands has caused a severe decline in the biota associated with these habitats. In Europe, the loss of wet grasslands has seriously affected breeding waders, whose numbers have halved in past 50 years ... -
Blockchain-based Application Security Risks: A Systematic Literature Review
(2019)Security risks on the blockchain-based applications are arising and there is no prior study is conducted to overview and uniform the understanding of security risks on the blockchain-based applications. This paper presents ... -
(University of Tartu, 2019)Higher humidity, which is predicted for northern latitudes, can cause significant changes in forest growth and function. Increase in air humidity at FAHM experimental site, Estonia, has shown to affect tree water status ... -
Survetegurite kumulatiivsete mõjude hindamise raamistik
(Tartu Ülikool, 2019-12)Inimtegevus on Läänemeres muutumas üha intensiivsemaks ning selle olemus pidevalt mitmekesistub. Kiirete muutuste taustal on tekkimas täiesti uued merekeskkonda ümber kujundavad mehhanismid, mille sisu on teadusele veel ... -
(2020)RITA1/02-52 meteoroloogia alamteema raames töötati välja Eesti oludesse sobiv täppissademete kaardistamise metoodika. Peamiseks andmeallikaks olid Eesti Keskkonnaagentuuri (KAURi) sademejaamade ning Sürgavere radari andmed ... -
Feature database of Estonian agricultural parcels for crop classification (years 2018-2019).
(2020)Feature database of Estonian agricultural parcels for crop classification (years 2018-2019). Sentinel-1 and -2 and additional geospatial feature set time series about Estonian agricultural parcels 2018-2019. The time series ...