82.-101. nimetus 106-st

    • Pollution track days 

      Trofimov, Heido; Toll, Velle (University of Tartu, 2021)
      Dates of polluted cloud tracks identified in MODIS satellite data.
    • Põlevmaterjali kaardid maastikupõlengute modelleerimiseks 

      Lang, Mait; Jakobson, Liisi (2020-06-19)
      The dataset consists of landcover map and airborne lidar data based predictions of forest canopy structure. The dataset is ready to be used for simulation experiments with Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System.
    • Põllumajandusmaade kasutuse seire 

      Voormansik, Kaupo; Järveoja, Mihkel; Domnich, Marharyta; Sünter, Indrek; Tamm, Tanel; Lang, Mait; Sagris, Valentina; Oja, Tõnu; Sepp, Kalev (2020)
    • Primaarproduktsiooni hindamine kaugseire abil 

      Soomets, Tuuli; Kutser, Tiit (Tartu Ülikool, 2021-01)
      Kogu ökosüsteemi produktiivsuse alus on primaarproduktsioon ehk esmasproduktsioon (PP, primary production). See on autotroofide poolt fotosünteesiprotsessis toodetud orgaaniline aine (seotud energia hulk moodustatud ...
    • Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Eseme- ja mobiilsidevõrgu kaitse simuleerimine küberharjutusväljal“ lõppraport 

      Mäeots, Mario; Preden, Jürgo; Kuusk, Tanel; Jakovits, Pelle; Reintam, Aare; Livenson, Ilja (University of Tartu, The Institute of EducationUniversity of Tartu, The Institute of Computer Science, 2022)
      The project was commissioned by the Estonian Research Council to support the goals of the Estonian Ministry of Defence. The project was funded through the European Regional Development Fund program "Strengthening of ...
    • Projekti "Veekaitsevööndite reostustundlikkuse ja kaldavööndi puhverribade rajamise vajalikkuse hinnangute kaardikihtide loomine" andmete arhiiv 

      Uuemaa, Evelyn; Kmoch, Alexander; Kull, Ain; Nurm, Hanna-Ingrid; Mõisja, Kiira (2021)
      Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse rahastatud projekti “Veekaitsevööndite reostustundlikkuse ja kaldavööndi puhverribade rajamise vajalikkuse hinnangute kaardikihtide loomine” käigus loodud kaardikihtide arhiiv. Töö tulemus ...
    • Sinimajanduse arendamise asukoha valiku kriteeriumid 

      Martin, Georg (Tartu Ülikool, 2021)
      Sinimajandus, mis hõlmab otseselt kõiki ookeanide ja meredega seotud majandustegevusi, annab ELis tööd üle 4 miljonile inimesele ja moodustab 1,3 % ELi SKPst. Traditsioonilised sinimajanduse sektorid, sealhulgas kalandus, ...
    • Soilmap of Estonia - Mullastiku kaart 

      Kmoch, Alexander (2017-03-01)
      This is a reference archive for the soilmap of Estonia. It serves as point of reference and archive for subsequent and dependent work in order to be able to relate derivatives back to original source by the Landboard. Eesti ...
    • Step-by-step replacement of cyano groups by tricyanovinyls – the influence on the acidity 

      Kütt, Agnes (University of Tartu, 2023)
      The dataset includes supporting information files for the article "Step-by-step replacement of cyano groups by tricyanovinyls – the influence on the acidity". The dataset contains results of optimization and frequency ...
    • Supplementary data 

      Gul, Bilal (University of Tartu, 2021-07-30)
      C and O isotope data for late Ordovician and early Silurian to evaluate the palaeotemperatures and palaeoenvironmental variability in Baltica from bulk rock and brachiopod shells.
    • Survetegurite kumulatiivsete mõjude hindamise raamistik 

      Kotta, Jonne; Liversage, Kiran; Szava-Kovats, Robert; Kotta, Emil; Martin, Georg (Tartu Ülikool, 2019-12)
      Inimtegevus on Läänemeres muutumas üha intensiivsemaks ning selle olemus pidevalt mitmekesistub. Kiirete muutuste taustal on tekkimas täiesti uued merekeskkonda ümber kujundavad mehhanismid, mille sisu on teadusele veel ...
    • Täppissademed 

      Post, Piia; Toll, Velle; Rahu, Jorma; Voormansik, Tanel (2020)
      RITA1/02-52 meteoroloogia alamteema raames töötati välja Eesti oludesse sobiv täppissademete kaardistamise metoodika. Peamiseks andmeallikaks olid Eesti Keskkonnaagentuuri (KAURi) sademejaamade ning Sürgavere radari andmed ...
    • Teostatavusuuring 

      Eerme, Tõnis (2020)
      Teostatavusuuringu eesmärkideks oli projekti RITA1 KAUGSEIRE arendussuundade (maastikutulekahjude, veetaseme, põllumajandusmaade kasutuse ja ehitustegevuse järelvalve seire) raames välja töötatud prototüüpide kohta: 1) ...
    • Tool for the Experience-based Analysis (EbA) method 

      Piirisild, Anu (Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituut, 2024-01)
      This dataset contains a preliminary tool that is created to use Experience-based Analysis (EbA) method. The EbA-tool includes a page with tutorial how to use the method and a page how to use the tool. The dataset contains ...
    • Tris(benzophenoneimino)phosphane and related compounds 

      Pikma, Marta-Lisette; Lõkov, Märt; Tshepelevitsh, Sofja; Saame, Jaan; Haljasorg, Tõiv; Toom, Lauri; Selberg, Sigrid; Leito, Ivo; Kütt, Agnes (University of Tartu, Institute of Chemistry, Chair of Analytical Chemistry, 2023)
      The dataset includes files supporting the article named "Tris(benzophenoneimino)phosphane and related compounds". Monocrystal XRD data, calculated .cosmo files, calculated pKaH values for related and correlation compounds, ...
    • Understanding the Behavior of Fully Non-Toxic Polypyrrole-Gelatin and Polypyrrole-PVdF Soft Actuators with Choline Ionic Liquids 

      Elhi, Fred; Karu, Karl; Rinne, Pille; Nadel, Kadi-Anne; Järvekülg, Martin; Aabloo, Alvo; Tamm, Tarmo; Ivaništšev, Vladislav; Põhako-Esko, Kaija (2020-05-21)
      Smart and soft electroactive polymer actuators as building blocks for soft robotics have many beneficial properties that could make them useful in future biomimetic and biomedical applications. Gelatin—a material exploited ...
    • UT-GPCR001 microscopy of ligand binding to M4 muscarinic receptor in live CHO-K1-hM4 cells 

      Tahk, Maris-Johanna; Torp, Jane; Ali, Mohammed A.S.; Fishman, Dmytro; Parts, Leopold; Grätz, Lukas; Müller, Christoph; Keller, Max; Veikšina, Santa; Laasfeld, Tõnis; Rinken, Ago (University of Tartu, Institute of Chemistry, Chair of Bioorganic chemistry, 2022)
      The "UT-GPCR001 microscopy of ligand binding to M4 muscarinic receptor in live CHO-K1-hM4 cells" dataset contains the raw microscopy images of the experiments along with images processed using the random forest algorithm ...
    • UT-GPCR002 Machine learning models for CHO-K1 cell segmentation from fluorescence and bright-field microscopy images 

      Tahk, Maris-Johanna; Torp, Jane; Ali, Mohammed A.S.; Fishman, Dmytro; Parts, Leopold; Grätz, Lukas; Müller, Christoph; Keller, Max; Veiksina, Santa; Laasfeld, Tõnis; Rinken, Ago (University of Tartu, Institute of Chemistry, Chair of Bioorganic chemistry, 2022-01-13)
      The "UT-GPCR002 Machine learning models for CHO-K1 cell segmentation from fluorescence and bright-field microscopy images" dataset contains the machine learning model files for CHO-K1 cell segmentation from fluorescence ...
    • UT-GPCR003 Fluorescence anisotropy and microscopy measurements experimental metadata of ligand binding to M4 muscarinic receptors 

      Tahk, Maris-Johanna; Torp, Jane; Ali, Mohammed A.S.; Fishman, Dmytro; Parts, Leopold; Grätz, Lukas; Müller, Christoph; Keller, Max; Veiksina, Santa; Laasfeld, Tõnis; Rinken, Ago (University of Tartu, Institute of Chemistry, Chair of Bioorganic chemistry, 2022-01-13)
      The "UT-GPCR003 Fluorescence anisotropy and microscopy measurements experimental metadata of ligand binding to M4 muscarinic receptors" dataset contains the raw fluorescence anisotropy data for ligand binding to M4 muscarinic ...
    • UT-GPCR004 CHO-K1 cell line bright-field and fluorescence microscopy and corresponding segmentation ground truth 

      Tahk, Maris-Johanna; Torp, Jane; Ali, Mohammed A.S.; Fishman, Dmytro; Parts, Leopold; Grätz, Lukas; Müller, Christoph; Keller, Max; Veiksina, Santa; Laasfeld, Tõnis; Rinken, Ago (University of Tartu, Institute of Chemistry, Chair of Bioorganic chemistry, 2022-01-13)
      The "UT-GPCR004 CHO-K1 cell line bright-field and fluorescence microscopy and corresponding segmentation ground truth" dataset contains the raw microscopy images, corresponding bright-field Z-stack based contrast-enhanced ...