Now showing items 51-55 of 369

    • Dataset 2. 16th-19th century glassworkers in Estonia 

      Reppo, Monika (Tartu Ülikool, Ajaloo ja arheoloogia instituut, arheoloogia osakond, 2023)
      This dataset contains genealogical information about migrant glassworkers and their families as well as individuals closely related to the glassworks that operated in Estonia from the 17th-19th century as well as glaziers ...
    • Archaeological and archaeothanatological overview of the individuals at Tamula cemetery 

      Tõrv, Mari; Eriksson, Gunilla (University of Tartu, 2023-11)
      This dataset represents the Tamula hunter-gatherer burials included in the article "Buried at home? Stable isotope analysis of the late hunter-gatherer cemetery population at Tamula, SE Estonia" by Tõrv and Eriksson (2023, ...
    • Faunal baseline data for E-Baltic hunter gatherers 

      Tõrv, Mari; Eriksson, Gunilla (University of Tartu, 2023-11)
      This dataset gathers relevant bulk stable isotope values from the Stone Age sites at the Eastern Baltic to act as a baseline for the human values discussed in the article "Buried at home? Stable isotope analysis of the ...
    • Eesti taskuhäälingukorpus 

      Lippus, Pärtel; Alumäe, Tanel; Orasmaa, Siim; Pilvik, Maarja-Liisa; Lindström, Liina (Tartu Ülikool, eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut, 2023-11-17)
      Korpus koosneb eesti taskuhäälingusaadetest ja nende transkriptsioonidest. Korpuses on kokku 10 633 episoodi 184 erinevast taskuhäälingust, kogukestusega 10 918 tundi, mis on salvestatud vahemikus 2018–2022. Salvestused ...
    • Main dataset of the MetDect project 

      Kurisoo, Tuuli (Tallinna Ülikool, Humanitaarteaduste instituut, 2023)
      This dataset contains data collected and organised at Tallinn University, as a part of the MetDect project ("Metal-detected past: a study of long-term developments in settlement patterns, technology and visual culture on ...