46.-50. nimetus 154-st

    • Focus groups characteristics and participants 

      Pekarev, Janar (University of Tartu, 2022-04-15)
      The quotations of participants' opinions and beliefs were marked with codes in the following manner (for instance, 1ET36FH and 6RU35MS). Each code begins with a focus group number (1-6), followed by an abbreviation indicating ...
    • Appendix 2. A summary table of typical responses 

      Pekarev, Janar (TÜ, Ühiskonnateaduste instituut, 2022-04-15)
      As the effects of any disruptive technological development on a society should be carefully examined by all facets of the society, public opinion on these kinds of technological advancements in the military sector is ...
    • OGP voting cases 

      Dmytro, Khutkyy (Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, ECePS ERA Chair in e-Governance and Digital Public Services, University of Tartu, Estonia, 2022-01)
      The dataset is the overall sample of countries that have reportedly practiced voting for choosing Open Government Partnership (OGP) commitments during their co-creation processes in 2014 through 2020.
    • Appendix 1. List of the primary questions 

      Pekarev, Janar (University of Tartu, 2021-03-01)
      The study was conducted in the spring of 2021 via the application Zoom. Item consisted of 12 questions and statements meant to provoke free associations to discuss a specific topic orally.
    • Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Eseme- ja mobiilsidevõrgu kaitse simuleerimine küberharjutusväljal“ lõppraport 

      Mäeots, Mario; Preden, Jürgo; Kuusk, Tanel; Jakovits, Pelle; Reintam, Aare; Livenson, Ilja (University of Tartu, The Institute of EducationUniversity of Tartu, The Institute of Computer Science, 2022)
      The project was commissioned by the Estonian Research Council to support the goals of the Estonian Ministry of Defence. The project was funded through the European Regional Development Fund program "Strengthening of ...