Molekulaar- ja rakubioloogia instituut tegeleb teadustööga molekulaarsetes bioteadustes ja üliõpilaste õpetamisega „valge bioloogia“ ainetes kõigil kolmel õppeastmel: bakalaureus, magister, doktor. Teadustöö hõlmab biokeemia, bioinformaatika, arengubioloogia, molekulaarbioloogia, rakubioloogia ja geneetika-alased eksperimentaaluuringud alates mikroorganismidest (viirused, bakterid, pärmseened) hulkraksete organismideni (äädikakärbes, hiir, inimene).


The Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology covers wide competence from microbiology and eukaryotic models to bioinformatics. Our research groups study new developments in bioinformatics, epigenetics, cell biology and enzymology. Important for us is to support collaboration and synergy between different research groups (e.g. molecular biology and genetics; biochemistry and cell biology). We have strong research infrastructure (microscopy, incl. electron transmission microscopy, FACS cell sorting, equipment for proteomics, metabolomics and transcriptomics). We also have a lab animal facility, incl. for transgenic mice.

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