Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Tartu Ülikooli genoomika instituudi Eesti biokeskuse vanaDNA proovid (01.04.2014–15.03.2022) asukohapõhise taustainfoga
(Tartu Ülikool, Ajaloo ja arheoloogia instituut, Arheoloogia osakond, 2023-05)
Andmekogu sisaldab kõikide vanaDNA proovide asukohapõhist taustainfot, mis on Eesti arheoloogilistest luudest Tartu Ülikooli genoomika instituudi Eesti biokeskuse puhaslaboris eraldatud vahemikus 01.04.2014–15.03.2022.
Dataset of selected archaeological dog specimens from medieval and early modern Estonia: metrics for the withers and crania, and values for stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes
(University of Tartu, 2023)
This dataset contains data collected during the study of archaeological dog remains. The dataset consists of three tables: (1) withers height data, (2) skull measurements data, (3) carbon and nitrogen stable isotope data. ...
Dataset on zooarchaeological records of Estonian medieval and early modern mammal remains
(Department of Archaeology, Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu; Archaeological Research Collection, Tallinn University, 2023)
This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological mammal remains from 37 medieval and early modern sites in Estonia. The dataset consists of four tables: 1) information on archaeological sites, 2) ...
Faunal baseline data for E-Baltic hunter gatherers
(University of Tartu, 2023-11)
This dataset gathers relevant bulk stable isotope values from the Stone Age sites at the Eastern Baltic to act as a baseline for the human values discussed in the article "Buried at home? Stable isotope analysis of the ...
Archaeological and archaeothanatological overview of the individuals at Tamula cemetery
(University of Tartu, 2023-11)
This dataset represents the Tamula hunter-gatherer burials included in the article "Buried at home? Stable isotope analysis of the late hunter-gatherer cemetery population at Tamula, SE Estonia" by Tõrv and Eriksson (2023, ...
Dataset 1. Archaeological glass finds from Estonia
(Tartu Ülikool, Ajaloo ja arheoloogia instituut, arheoloogia osakond, 2023)
The purpose of collecting this data was to obtain information about the consumption of glass in Estonia with the emphasis on consumption in Tallinn, Haapsalu, and Pärnu and its changes during the post-medieval period. This ...
Dataset 2. 16th-19th century glassworkers in Estonia
(Tartu Ülikool, Ajaloo ja arheoloogia instituut, arheoloogia osakond, 2023)
This dataset contains genealogical information about migrant glassworkers and their families as well as individuals closely related to the glassworks that operated in Estonia from the 17th-19th century as well as glaziers ...
Dataset 3. 17th-20th century glassworks in Estonia
(Tartu Ülikool, Ajaloo ja arheoloogia instituut, arheoloogia osakond, 2023)
This dataset includes 43 glass production sites from the 17th until the 20th century. The purpose of collecting this data was to collate and update the chronology of the Estonian glass industry focusing on the dates, ...