Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Blockchain-based Application Security Risks: A Systematic Literature Review
Security risks on the blockchain-based applications are arising and there is no prior study is conducted to overview and uniform the understanding of security risks on the blockchain-based applications. This paper presents ...
(University of Tartu, 2019)
Higher humidity, which is predicted for northern latitudes, can cause significant changes in forest growth and function. Increase in air humidity at FAHM experimental site, Estonia, has shown to affect tree water status ...
Survetegurite kumulatiivsete mõjude hindamise raamistik
(Tartu Ülikool, 2019-12)
Inimtegevus on Läänemeres muutumas üha intensiivsemaks ning selle olemus pidevalt
mitmekesistub. Kiirete muutuste taustal on tekkimas täiesti uued merekeskkonda ümber
kujundavad mehhanismid, mille sisu on teadusele veel ...