Browsing by Title
Now showing items 346-362 of 362
Understanding the Behavior of Fully Non-Toxic Polypyrrole-Gelatin and Polypyrrole-PVdF Soft Actuators with Choline Ionic Liquids
(2020-05-21)Smart and soft electroactive polymer actuators as building blocks for soft robotics have many beneficial properties that could make them useful in future biomimetic and biomedical applications. Gelatin—a material exploited ... -
Useful cover letter practices within writing groups
(University of Tartu, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 2024-10-28)A cover letter is a pedagogical tool to elicit useful feedback within writing groups. From research conducted on participating students in Estonia as part of a postdoctoral research project funded by Estonian Research ... -
UT-GPCR001 microscopy of ligand binding to M4 muscarinic receptor in live CHO-K1-hM4 cells
(University of Tartu, Institute of Chemistry, Chair of Bioorganic chemistry, 2022)The "UT-GPCR001 microscopy of ligand binding to M4 muscarinic receptor in live CHO-K1-hM4 cells" dataset contains the raw microscopy images of the experiments along with images processed using the random forest algorithm ... -
UT-GPCR002 Machine learning models for CHO-K1 cell segmentation from fluorescence and bright-field microscopy images
(University of Tartu, Institute of Chemistry, Chair of Bioorganic chemistry, 2022-01-13)The "UT-GPCR002 Machine learning models for CHO-K1 cell segmentation from fluorescence and bright-field microscopy images" dataset contains the machine learning model files for CHO-K1 cell segmentation from fluorescence ... -
UT-GPCR003 Fluorescence anisotropy and microscopy measurements experimental metadata of ligand binding to M4 muscarinic receptors
(University of Tartu, Institute of Chemistry, Chair of Bioorganic chemistry, 2022-01-13)The "UT-GPCR003 Fluorescence anisotropy and microscopy measurements experimental metadata of ligand binding to M4 muscarinic receptors" dataset contains the raw fluorescence anisotropy data for ligand binding to M4 muscarinic ... -
UT-GPCR004 CHO-K1 cell line bright-field and fluorescence microscopy and corresponding segmentation ground truth
(University of Tartu, Institute of Chemistry, Chair of Bioorganic chemistry, 2022-01-13)The "UT-GPCR004 CHO-K1 cell line bright-field and fluorescence microscopy and corresponding segmentation ground truth" dataset contains the raw microscopy images, corresponding bright-field Z-stack based contrast-enhanced ... -
Uuema eesti ilukirjanduse mitmikute loendid
(2018-01-04)Alates 01.01.2017 jõustus autoriõiguse seaduse muudatus, mis võimaldab digitaalse objekti töötlemist teksti- ja andmekaeve eesmärkidel tingimusel, et selline kasutamine ei taotle ärilisi eesmärke (AutÕS § 19 lg 31). Samal ... -
Veebipõhine tööriist hindamaks survetegurite kumulatiivset mõju loodusväärtustele
(Tartu Ülikool, 2021-01)Inimtegevus on Läänemeres muutumas üha intensiivsemaks ning selle olemus pidevalt mitmekesistub. Kiirete muutuste taustal on tekkimas täiesti uued merekeskkonda ümber kujundavad mehhanismid, mille sisu on teadusele veel ... -
Veetaseme seire, üleujutuste kaardistamine ja märgalae niiskusrežiim
(2020)Projekti RITA1 KAUGSEIRE käigus töötati välja kaugseire andmete töötlemise metoodid/prototüübid, mis võimaldavad parandada mitmeid järgmisi seirerakendusi ja riiklike teenuseid: (1) üleujutuste seire satelliitpiltidel ... -
Vene emakeelega õppijate häälduskorpus
(Tartu Ülikool, Eesti ja Üldkeeleteaduse Instituut, 2024-06-11)Projekti raames koguti erineva keeletaseme ja -taustaga eesti keele õppijatelt häälduskorpus. Salvestused korpuse jaoks tehti enne ja pärast hääldustreeningut ning hääldustreeningu ajal. Hääldustreeninguks kasutati ... -
Vertical profiles of atmospheric variables based on tethersonde soundings from Hornsund
(Department of Geography, University of Tartu, 2015-04)Arctic fjords are usually surrounded by a complex orography of mountains, valleys and glaciers, which complicates the dynamics of the air flow. Between different fjords in Svalbard temperature and wind regime can vary ... -
Vertical profiles of atmospheric variables based on tethersonde soundings from Ny-Ålesund
(Department of Geography, University of Tartu, 2015-04)The melt of snow and sea ice in Svalbard and its fjords is strongly controlled by the radiative and turbulent surface fluxes. The fluxes depend, among others, on the structure of and processes in the ABL. Over a complex ... -
Võõrliikide kaardistamine rahvateaduse abil
(Tartu Ülikool, 2021-06)Käesoleva teema all arendati välja nutitelefoni rakendus, mis võimaldab rahvateadlaste abil kaardistada võõrliike kogu Eesti merealal. Vastavalt RITA projekti taotlusele oli plaan kokku koondada olemasolev võõrliikide ...