Now showing items 222-241 of 341

    • Otoliidi mikrokeemia meetodite kasutamine kalade täiendi tekkimise uurimisel 

      Rohtla, Mehis; Svirgsden, Roland; Vetemaa, Markus (Tartu Ülikool, 2021-07)
      Kaladele olulised rannikumere elupaigad hõlmavad kude-, turgutus- ja toitumisalasid ning nendevahelisi rändeteid. Sõltuvalt kalaliigist võivad need olulised piirkonnad paikneda nii mage- kui ka riimvees, kuid näiteks ...
    • Parliamentary speech and media attention in Estonia, 2011-2019 

      Mölder, Martin; Lupacheva, Tatiana (Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, 2024-03-11)
      This data set includes the data that was used for the models that are reported in the paper "A Place to Speak and be Heard? Parliamentary Speech and Media Attention in Estonia, 2011-2019" that is set to be published in ...
    • Päeviku 3/93 lisaleht 

      Kaldaru, Hella (Tartu Ülikool, 1993-11)
      Uuring Eesti venekeelse telepubliku eelistuste kohta eesmärgiga saada teada, kui vaadatav on VENE VIDEOKANAL ja mille järgi tehaksi valik kanali ning saate osas. Küsimustikus osales 198 inimest.
    • Päranditurism Eestis: Potentsiaal ja arenguvõimalused 

      Valk, Heiki; Kriiska, Aivar; Matsin, Ave; Oras, Janika; Ormisson-Lahe, Anu; Pae, Taavi; Rahi-Tamm, Aigi; Remmel, Mari-Ann (2021-03)
      Uuringu "Päranditurism Eestis: Potentsiaal ja arenguvõimalused" teostas Ettevõtluse Arenduse Sihtasutuse tellimusel 15.05.2020 - 15.03.2021 Tartu Ülikooli ajaloo ja arheoloogia instituut koostöös TÜ geograafia instituudi, ...
    • PB voting data 

      Dmytro, Khutkyy (Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, ECePS ERA Chair in e-Governance and Digital Public Services, University of Tartu, Estonia, 2022-10)
      The dataset contains structured data on voting for participatory budgeting projects in selected Ukrainian communities from 2017 through 2020.
    • Perceptual asymmetries and auditory processing of Estonian quantities 

      Kask, Liis; Lippus, Pärtel; Põldver, Nele; Kreegipuu, Kairi (2021)
      Similar to visual perception, auditory perception also has a clearly described “pop-out” effect, where an element with some extra feature is easier to detect among elements without an extra feature. This phenomenon is ...
    • Phonetic Corpus of Estonian Spontaneous Speech v1.2 

      Lippus, Pärtel; Aare, Kätlin; Malmi, Anton; Tuisk, Tuuli; Teras, Pire (Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu, 2021-09-08)
      The Phonetic Corpus of Estonian Spontaneous Speech consists of recordings that have been annotated on different linguistic tiers including words and segments and their boundaries in the speech signal. The corpus mainly ...
    • Phonetic Corpus of Estonian Spontaneous Speech v1.3 

      Lippus, Pärtel; Aare, Kätlin; Malmi, Anton; Tuisk, Tuuli; Teras, Pire (Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu, 2023-10-20)
      The Phonetic Corpus of Estonian Spontaneous Speech consists of recordings that have been annotated on different linguistic tiers including words and segments and their boundaries in the speech signal. The corpus mainly ...
    • Photographic repository and RTI imaging of paleopathological lesions in fetal and perinatal human remains 

      Morrone, Alessandra; Oras, Ester; Tõrv, Mari (2019-05)
      This repository is a further step in the study of perinatal metabolic disease patterns. The paleopathological findings of six child burials discovered in the Medieval and Early Modern cemetery of St Jacob (Tartu, Estonia) ...
    • pKaH values and θH angles of phosphanes to predict their electronic and steric parameters 

      Pikma, Marta-Lisette; Tshepelevitsh, Sofja; Selberg, Sigrid; Kaljurand, Ivari; Leito, Ivo; Kütt, Agnes (University of Tartu, 2024)
      Phosphanes have numerous important uses and at the same time are an important class of organic bases with basicities spanning more than 30 orders of magnitude. In many cases, their behaviour in specific applications depends ...
    • Poland: Bibliographical database of Polish journalism and media research related to risks and opportunities for deliberative communication (2000–2020) 

      Głowacki, Michał; Gajlewicz Korab, Katarzyna; Mikucki, Jacek; Szurminski, Łukasz; Loszewska Osowska, Maria; Falkowska, Aleksandra; Wojnowski, Bartłomiej; Kulinski, Hubert; Zawisza, Anita; Mikołajczuk, Ewelina (Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu, 2023-02-27)
      The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative Communication: Development Scenarios of the European ...
    • Pollution track days 

      Trofimov, Heido; Toll, Velle (University of Tartu, 2021)
      Dates of polluted cloud tracks identified in MODIS satellite data.
    • Põlevmaterjali kaardid maastikupõlengute modelleerimiseks 

      Lang, Mait; Jakobson, Liisi (2020-06-19)
      The dataset consists of landcover map and airborne lidar data based predictions of forest canopy structure. The dataset is ready to be used for simulation experiments with Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System.
    • Põllumajandusmaade kasutuse seire 

      Voormansik, Kaupo; Järveoja, Mihkel; Domnich, Marharyta; Sünter, Indrek; Tamm, Tanel; Lang, Mait; Sagris, Valentina; Oja, Tõnu; Sepp, Kalev (2020)
    • Pretrained word and multi-sense embeddings for Estonian 

      Aedmaa, Eleri (2019)
      Word and multi-sense embedding for Estonian trained on lemmatized etTenTen: Corpus of the Estonian Web. Word embeddings are trained with word2vec. Sense embeddings are trained with SenseGram. Sense inventory is induced ...
    • Primaarproduktsiooni hindamine kaugseire abil 

      Soomets, Tuuli; Kutser, Tiit (Tartu Ülikool, 2021-01)
      Kogu ökosüsteemi produktiivsuse alus on primaarproduktsioon ehk esmasproduktsioon (PP, primary production). See on autotroofide poolt fotosünteesiprotsessis toodetud orgaaniline aine (seotud energia hulk moodustatud ...

      Kask, Liis; Põldver, Nele; Kreegipuu, Kairi; Lippus, Pärtel (2020-09-03)
      We studied how linguistic and non-linguistic auditory input is recognized and distinguished by the brain among native and language naïve speakers, and how that might influence the ability to process changes in duration and ...
    • Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Eseme- ja mobiilsidevõrgu kaitse simuleerimine küberharjutusväljal“ lõppraport 

      Mäeots, Mario; Preden, Jürgo; Kuusk, Tanel; Jakovits, Pelle; Reintam, Aare; Livenson, Ilja (University of Tartu, The Institute of EducationUniversity of Tartu, The Institute of Computer Science, 2022)
      The project was commissioned by the Estonian Research Council to support the goals of the Estonian Ministry of Defence. The project was funded through the European Regional Development Fund program "Strengthening of ...
    • Projekti "Veekaitsevööndite reostustundlikkuse ja kaldavööndi puhverribade rajamise vajalikkuse hinnangute kaardikihtide loomine" andmete arhiiv 

      Uuemaa, Evelyn; Kmoch, Alexander; Kull, Ain; Nurm, Hanna-Ingrid; Mõisja, Kiira (2021)
      Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse rahastatud projekti “Veekaitsevööndite reostustundlikkuse ja kaldavööndi puhverribade rajamise vajalikkuse hinnangute kaardikihtide loomine” käigus loodud kaardikihtide arhiiv. Töö tulemus ...
    • Projekti EKKD119 andmestik: ERR-i raadioarhiivi kultuurisaadete süntaktiline märgendus, tuvastatud nimeolemid, märksõnad, teemad ja nendevahelised seosed, 2003-2021 

      Kõnno, Andres; Allkivi-Metsoja, Kais; Kippar, Jaagup; Kamarik, Taavi; Petrov, Herman; Ibrus, Indrek (Tallinna Ülikool, Balti Filmi, Meedia ja Kunstide Instituut, 2024-06-17)
      Andmed pärinevad Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu (ERR) raadioarhiivist, vahemikust 2003–2021. Need sisaldavad kõiki uudiseid, mille metaandmestik viitab kultuurivaldkonna kajastamisele. Tegemist on kõnetuvastuse abil teksti kujule ...