DataDOI: Viimati lisatud
71.-75. nimetus 371-st
DigiEfekt: õpilaste digitehnoloogiate kasutamise piirangud ja reeglid: õpilaste, lapsevanemate ja koolide perspektiiv (limitations and rules for the use of technology: the perspective of students, parents and schools)
(Tartu Ülikooli haridusteaduste instituut, 2022-12)Õpilaste digitehnoloogiate (digiseadmete, -keskkondade, -sisu ja interneti) kasutamise reeglite ja piirangute andmekogu on osa DigiEfekti (DIGIVARA5) koondandmekogust. Andmekogu koosneb andmetabelitest (“student_devrules ... -
Data for "A corpus study of grammatical case forms in written and spoken Estonian: Frequency, distribution and grammatical role"
(University of Tartu, Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, 2023)This dataset makes available the sample of clauses used in the study "A corpus study of grammatical case forms in written and spoken Estonian: Frequency, distribution and grammatical role". It includes 751 clauses from the ... -
Native Language Background Affects the Perception of Duration and Pitch
(University of Tartu, Institute of Psychology, 2023)Estonian is a quantity language where both a primary duration cue and a secondary pitch cue exist, whereas Chinese is a tonal language that features a dominant use of pitch. Native speakers of both languages (63 Estonian ... -
Data of iron, cobalt, and nickel phthalocyanines tri-doped electrospun carbon nanofibre-based catalyst for rechargeable zinc-air battery air electrode
(Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu, Ravila 14a, 50411 Tartu, Estonia, 2023)This dataset contains the data presented in the figures of pulbished paper "Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel Phthalocyanines Tri-Doped Electro-spun Carbon Nanofibre-Based Catalyst for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Battery Air Electrode" ... -
Data of electrospun carbon nanofibre-based catalysts prepared with Co and Fe phthalocyanine for oxygen reduction in acidic medium
(Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu, Ravila 14a, 50411 Tartu, Estonia, 2023)This dataset contains the data presented in the figures of pulbished paper "Electrospun Carbon Nanofibre-Based Catalysts Prepared with Co and Fe Phthalocyanine for Oxygen Reduction in Acidic Medium" ChemElectroChem, ...