Peremeditsiini ja rahvatervishoiu instituut
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Instituudi põhiülesanne on teha õppe-, teadus- ja arendustööd ning osutada ühiskonnale vajalikke teenuseid peremeditsiini, rahvatervishoiu ja õenduse alal.
The mission of the institute is to provide education, research and development, and to provide necessary services to the community in the fields of family medicine, public health and nursing.
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Data needed to reproduce the figures of "The effect of Vaccination on post-COVID-19 major acute cardiac events and mortality: a target trial emulation."
(University of Tartu, 2025)Four semi-synthetic datasets in csv format and R code as a qmd file which reproduce the figures in the paper Meister et al. The effect of Vaccination on post-COVID-19 major acute cardiac events and mortality: a target trial ... -
TABLE. Summary of HIV guideline development, Estonia. Supplementary material to article Reinap M, et al. Strengthening guideline contextualization in the WHO European Region. Bull World Health Organ; 2024 (ID: BLT.24.291779)
(University of Tartu, 2024-08)Estonia developed its national HIV prophylaxis and treatment guideline („HIV-infektsiooni kokkupuute eelne ja järgne profülaktika ning HIV-positiivsete isikute ravi“) as a contextualization exercise using GRADE-Adolopment ...