Komplekteerimisel lähtutakse Tartu Ülikooli teadus- ja õppetöö vajadustest. Raamatukogu eesmärk on luua võimalikult terviklik rahvustrükiste kogu, et tagada rahvusülikooli rahvusteaduste alane uurimistöö. Lisaks Eestis ilmunule kogub raamatukogu kõiki materjale, mis on ilmunud mujal maailmas Eesti kohta, eesti keeles või mille väljaandjaks on eesti autor. Jooksvalt täiendatakse ka ajaloolisi kogusid ning võetakse vastu kultuuri- ja teadusloolisi arhiive.


UT Library is accumulating, preserving and making accessible information necessary for research and study purposes at the University of Tartu. Offering public information services. Creating, preserving and making accessible for research purposes a complete collection of Estonian-language publications, materials published in Estonia, materials discussing Estonia or containing information about Estonia. Library also offers research and development activities on librarianship and information sciences.

Collections in this community

Recent Submissions

  • Humanist Greek Texts from Finland 

    Korhonen, Tua (University of Helsinki, Department of Languages (Greek and Latin); University of Tartu, University of Tartu Library, 2023-01-11)
    The dataset provides information about the Humanist Greek texts from Finland – mostly from the Royal Academy of Turku (1640–1827) but also containing some "New ancient Greek" poems from the 21st century – displayed in the ...
  • Humanist Greek Texts from Sweden 

    Akujärvi, Johanna (Lund University, Centre for Languages and Literature; University of Tartu, University of Tartu Library, 2023-01-10)
    The dataset provides information about Humanist Greek texts from Sweden and concerning Swedes from the 16th to the 21st century, displayed in the HUMGRAECA database (, including additional ...
  • Tallinna linna aruanne 1919 a. eest - TÜR ARH C-283 1919 

    Vesi, Aare (University of Tartu Library, 2022-09-30)
    MSI captures of faded mimeograph duplicates. Report of Tallinn City financial records from 1919. Mimeographically duplicated finance records. Unbound. In various levels of faded ink and other paper damage.
  • Humanist Greek Texts from Estonia and Latvia 

    Päll, Janika (University of Tartu, University of Tartu Library; University of Tartu, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Department of Classical Studies; Lund University., 2023-01-06)
    The dataset provides information about Humanist Greek texts from and connected to Estonia and Latvia (from the 16th to 21st century), displayed in the HUMGRAECA database (, including additional ...
  • Test 19: MSI capture of Diss.Tart.239007 

    Vesi, Aare (University of Tartu Library, 2022-02-03)
    MSI capture of thesis by Bernhard Jürgens ; Tartu Ülikool, bakterioloogia kabinet; 1926; Diss.Tart.239007, page 69.

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