Browsing by Author "Jakobson, Erko"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Copernicus Cal/Val Solution: Recommendations for R&D activities on instrumentation technologies
Aun, Margit; Sha, M.K.; Tack, F.; Tison, C.; Meygret, A.; Maziere, M.; Bachmann, M.; Bes, C.; Boersma, K.F.; Clerc, S.; Dick, A.; Ferrec, Y.; Fix, A.; Hajduch, G.; Holzwarth, S.; Jakobson, Erko; Kuhn, J.; Labroue, S.; Lacrouts, C.; Ligi, Martin; Merlaud, A.; Nencioli, F.; Pflug, B.; Pierangelo, C.; Raynal, M.; Raynal, T.; Tilstra, G. (CCVS Consortium, 2022-06-02)Raport Euroopa Liidu kaugseire programmi Copernicus raames kasutusel olevatest kalibreerimise ja valideerimise tehnoloogiatest ja puudujääkidest. Raportis antakse soovitusi uurimis- ja arendustegevusteks tehnoloogia ... -
Copernicus Cal/Val Solution: Systematic Ground-Based Measurements
Ligi, Martin; Tison, C.; Mazière, M.; Sha, M.K.; Pflug, B.; Aun, Margit; Bachmann, M.; Bès, C.; Boy, F.; Clerc, S.; Compernolle, S.; Gielen, B.; Guinle, T.; Holzwarth, S.; Jakobson, Erko; Lambert, J.-C.; Lanconelli, C.; Papale, D.; Sanders, R.; Steinhoff, T.; Roozendael, M. (CCVS Consortium, 2021-05-31)Ülevaate raport olemasolevatest regulaarselt töötavatest kalibreerimise ja valideerimise mõõtejaamadest ja võrgustikest Euroopas ja mujal maailmas. Raportis kirjeldatakse valitud jaamasid ja võrgustikke – üldine informatsioon, ... -
Vertical profiles of atmospheric variables based on tethersonde soundings from Hornsund
Palo, Timo; Jakobson, Erko (Department of Geography, University of Tartu, 2015-04)Arctic fjords are usually surrounded by a complex orography of mountains, valleys and glaciers, which complicates the dynamics of the air flow. Between different fjords in Svalbard temperature and wind regime can vary ... -
Vertical profiles of atmospheric variables based on tethersonde soundings from Ny-Ålesund
Palo, Timo; Jakobson, Erko (Department of Geography, University of Tartu, 2015-04)The melt of snow and sea ice in Svalbard and its fjords is strongly controlled by the radiative and turbulent surface fluxes. The fluxes depend, among others, on the structure of and processes in the ABL. Over a complex ...