Sirvi autori järgi "Hiie, Sirje"
Dataset of archaeobotanical data from Estonian archaeological sites
Johanson, Kristiina; Unt, Agne; Hiie, Sirje (Department of Archaeology, Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu, 2024)This dataset contains archaeobotanical data from Estonian archaeological sites. The dataset consists of one table. It is being made public to act as supplementary data for the publication Johanson, K., Unt, A. & Hiie, S. ... -
Dataset of the archaeozoological (AZ) and -botanical (AB) records obtained from the Haapsalu Castle excavations in 2017
Lõugas, Lembi; Ehrlich, Freydis; Maldre, Liina; Hiie, Sirje (2019-05-31)Andmekogu sisaldab ühe arheoloogilise objekti (Haapsalu linnuse vahitorni šaht) kaevamistelt kogutud loomaluude ja taimsete jäänuste uurimuse jooksul saadud andmeid ja koosneb tabelist ning uurimistulemuste aruandest, mis ...