Now showing items 17-36 of 49

    • Data for "A corpus study of grammatical case forms in written and spoken Estonian: Frequency, distribution and grammatical role" 

      Vihman, Virve-Anneli; Miljan, Merilin (University of Tartu, Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, 2023)
      This dataset makes available the sample of clauses used in the study "A corpus study of grammatical case forms in written and spoken Estonian: Frequency, distribution and grammatical role". It includes 751 clauses from the ...
    • Dataset 1. Archaeological glass finds from Estonia 

      Reppo, Monika (Tartu Ülikool, Ajaloo ja arheoloogia instituut, arheoloogia osakond, 2023)
      The purpose of collecting this data was to obtain information about the consumption of glass in Estonia with the emphasis on consumption in Tallinn, Haapsalu, and Pärnu and its changes during the post-medieval period. This ...
    • Dataset 2. 16th-19th century glassworkers in Estonia 

      Reppo, Monika (Tartu Ülikool, Ajaloo ja arheoloogia instituut, arheoloogia osakond, 2023)
      This dataset contains genealogical information about migrant glassworkers and their families as well as individuals closely related to the glassworks that operated in Estonia from the 17th-19th century as well as glaziers ...
    • Dataset 3. 17th-20th century glassworks in Estonia 

      Reppo, Monika (Tartu Ülikool, Ajaloo ja arheoloogia instituut, arheoloogia osakond, 2023)
      This dataset includes 43 glass production sites from the 17th until the 20th century. The purpose of collecting this data was to collate and update the chronology of the Estonian glass industry focusing on the dates, ...
    • Dataset of selected archaeological dog specimens from medieval and early modern Estonia: metrics for the withers and crania, and values for stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes 

      Nuut, Sander; Tõrv, Mari; Rannamäe, Eve (University of Tartu, 2023)
      This dataset contains data collected during the study of archaeological dog remains. The dataset consists of three tables: (1) withers height data, (2) skull measurements data, (3) carbon and nitrogen stable isotope data. ...
    • Dataset of zooarchaeological records from Iru fortified settlement site 

      Rannamäe, Eve (Department of Archaeology, Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu, 2024)
      This dataset contains zooarchaeological data collected during the analyses of archaeological animal remains from Late Bronze Age Iru fortified settlement, Estonia. The dataset consists of two tables: 1) identification data ...
    • Dataset on zooarchaeological records obtained from the Oa Street, Tartu (Estonia), excavations in 2021 

      Ehrlich, Freydis; Lõugas, Lembi (University of Tartu; Tallinn University, 2022)
      The dataset contains animal bone identifications carried out by Freydis Ehrlich and Lembi Lõugas in 2021-2022. The bones come from the archaeological excavations conducted in Oa Street, Tartu, in 2021. The material is dated ...
    • Dataset on zooarchaeological records of Estonian medieval and early modern mammal remains 

      Rannamäe, Eve; Maldre, Liina; Ehrlich, Freydis; Nuut, Sander; Lõugas, Lembi; Haak, Arvi; Aguraiuja-Lätti, Ülle (Department of Archaeology, Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu; Archaeological Research Collection, Tallinn University, 2023)
      This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological mammal remains from 37 medieval and early modern sites in Estonia. The dataset consists of four tables: 1) information on archaeological sites, 2) ...
    • Distribution of categorised feedback comments (e.g. class, sub-class, and features) by feedback exchange group and by group member 

      Yallop, Taremaa, & Leijen (2020)
      This entry contains data on the categorisation and classification of asynchronous written peer feedback comments within one doctorate writing group over a three-month period. The research data should be used in tandem with ...
    • Eesti murrete korpus 

      Lindström, Liina; Todesk, Triin; Pilvik, Maarja-Liisa (Tartu Ülikool, eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut, 2022-11-23)
      Eesti murrete korpus on kõiki eesti murdeid hõlmav elektrooniline andmekogu. Korpus koosneb helisalvestistest, foneetilises transkriptsioonis murdetekstidest, lihtsustatud transkriptsioonis murdetekstidest, morfoloogiliselt ...
    • Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu raadiosaadete korpus 

      Lippus, Pärtel; Alumäe, Tanel; Orasmaa, Siim; Tsepelina, Katrin; Lindström, Liina (Tartu Ülikool, eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut, 2023-11-13)
      Korpus koosneb ERR-i raadiosaadetest ja nende transkriptsioonidest. Korpuses on 53 000 raadiosaadet kogukestusega 16 tuhat tundi, mis on salvestatud vahemikus 1930–2022. Salvestused on transkribeeritud Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ...
    • Eesti taskuhäälingukorpus 

      Lippus, Pärtel; Alumäe, Tanel; Orasmaa, Siim; Pilvik, Maarja-Liisa; Lindström, Liina (Tartu Ülikool, eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut, 2023-11-17)
      Korpus koosneb eesti taskuhäälingusaadetest ja nende transkriptsioonidest. Korpuses on kokku 10 633 episoodi 184 erinevast taskuhäälingust, kogukestusega 10 918 tundi, mis on salvestatud vahemikus 2018–2022. Salvestused ...
    • Estonian Teen Language Corpus 

      Vihman, Virve-Anneli; Pilvik, Maarja-Liisa; Mandel, Aive; Kängsepp, Annika; Aigro, Mari; Koreinik, Kadri; Praakli, Kristiina; Lindström, Liina (Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu, 2023)
      Estonian Teen Language Corpus (Eesti teismeliste keele korpus) is a corpus representing spoken and written language data, collected from Estonian teenagers (ages 9-18) between 2019-2023. The corpus consists of four types ...
    • Faunal baseline data for E-Baltic hunter gatherers 

      Tõrv, Mari; Eriksson, Gunilla (University of Tartu, 2023-11)
      This dataset gathers relevant bulk stable isotope values from the Stone Age sites at the Eastern Baltic to act as a baseline for the human values discussed in the article "Buried at home? Stable isotope analysis of the ...
    • Foneetikakorpuse sagedussõnastik 

      Lippus, Pärtel (2019-06-20)
      Eesti keele spontaanse kõne foneetilise korpuse sagedussõnastik on koostatud korpuse v.1.0.5 (20.06.2019, doi:10.15155/1-00-0000-0000-0000-001A3L) versiooni põhjal, kui korpuses oli märgendatud 685 750 sõna (89 tundi ja ...
    • Inari Saami geminates 

      Türk, Helen; Lippus, Pärtel; Pajusalu, Karl; Teras, Pire (2018-11-08)
      Data extracted from the Inari Saami prosody corpus (, used in Türk et al (2018). The Acoustic Correlates of Quantity in Inari Saami. Journal of Phonetics. Target words ...
    • Kodavere kihelkonnas 19. sajandil sündinud lapsed 

      Edela, Anna (2019)
      Anna Edela bakalaureusetöös kasutatud andmed, mis pärinevad 19. sajandi EELK Kodavere koguduse sünnimeetrikatest, mis on üleval Eesti ajalooarhiivi Saaga andmebaasis. Need sisaldavad Kodavere kihelkonnas 1835., 1840., ...
    • Kõnetempo ja -soravuse varieerumine eesti keeles (data) 

      Lippus, Pärtel; Pilvik, Maarja-Liisa; Lõo, Kaidi; Lindström, Liina (University of Tartu, Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, 2024)
      Siin repositooriumis on kõnetempo ja -soravuse andmestikud ja nende analüüsiks kasutatud R kood, mida on kasutatud artiklis: Pärtel Lippus, Maarja-Liisa Pilvik, Kaidi Lõo, Liina Lindström. 2024. Kõnetempo ja -soravuse ...
    • Meadow Mari Prosody data 

      Lehiste, Ilse; Teras, Pire; Help, Toomas; Lippus, Pärtel; Meister, Einar; Pajusalu, Karl; Viitso, Tiit-Rein (2005)
      This dataset contains the segmental durations, F0 measurements and formant values F1-F3 from the vowels in 1-4 syllable words in Meadow Mari, a Finno-Ugric language. 8 native speakers read a list of 100 sentences, each ...
    • (Non-)Literalness ratings for Estonian particle verbs 

      Aedmaa, Eleri (2018-06)
      (Non-)literalness dataset of 1481 sentences formed with 184 Estonian particle verbs. Sentences are evaluated by 3 native speakers of Estonian on a 6-point scale [0,5] indicating the degree of compositionality of a particle ...