Digitehnoloogiate Instituut
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Digitehnoloogiate instituudi ajalugu algas 1. septembril 2015, mil ühinesid informaatika instituut, infoteaduste instituut ning matemaatika-loodusteaduste instituudi matemaatika osakond. Õppe- ja teadustegevus korraldati viie akadeemilise suuna alla: haridustehnoloogia, infoteadused, inimese ja arvuti interaktsioon, matemaatika ja matemaatika didaktika ja rakendusinformaatika.
Estonia is the world's most digitally advanced country and School of Digital Technologies is one of the leading competency-centres in the region. On a world scale we may seem small in numbers, but don't let the quantity distract you – we undeniably have a big impact! We stand for world-class education, research and innovation in the field of digital technologies. The School is the only institution in Estonia that focuses on ‘soft’ information and communication technologies including social media applications, digital learning ecosystems, interaction design, workplace learning and other related fields.