Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Dataset on the archaeozoological record of the Asva Late Bronze Age site, Saaremaa Island, Estonia
(Archaeological Research Collection, Tallinn University, 2021)
The purpose of the data collection was to obtain precise information on the animal remains excavated from the Asva site in different years, through which the consumption habits of the inhabitants of the Asva settlement at ...
Sotsiaalse häkätoni juhis
Dataset of the archaeozoological (AZ) and -botanical (AB) records obtained from the Haapsalu Castle excavations in 2017
Andmekogu sisaldab ühe arheoloogilise objekti (Haapsalu linnuse vahitorni šaht) kaevamistelt kogutud loomaluude ja taimsete jäänuste uurimuse jooksul saadud andmeid ja koosneb tabelist ning uurimistulemuste aruandest, mis ...
Estonian Vunimano I Hackathon collected interviews 05.-07.10.2018
Estonian Vunkimano I Hackathon interviews collected 05-07.10.2018: interviews with hackathon teams, mentors and policy makers
Investment needs and investment readiness amongst Estonian social enterprises
(Tallinn University, 2022)
This analysis report is part of the project: ‘Kick-starting the nascent social finance market in Estonia (SoFiMa)’.
The project consortium includes the Baltic Innovation Agency, Tallinn University, Võru County Development ...
Tallinna avaliku ruumi kunst linnakodaniku tajukaardil - kogutud intervjuud
Magistriuuringu raames kogutud 53 intervjuud Tallinna avaliku ruumi kunsti teemal. Helisalvestiste kogupikkus 18 tundi ja 17 minutit. Salvestiste keskmine pikkus 21 minutit. Intervjuud on salvestatud avalikes kohtades ...
Dataset on stable isotope measurements of Estonian medieval and early modern human bones
(Archaeological Research Collection, Tallinn University, 2023-06)
Andmekogu sisaldab Eesti kesk- ja varauusaegsetest inimluudest tehtud stabiilsete isotoopide analüüsi tulemusi. Andmestik koosneb ühest tabelifailist, mis sisaldab tulemusi ja andmete koondstatistikat, ning ühest analüüsi ...
Dataset on zooarchaeological records of Estonian medieval and early modern fish bones
(Tallinna Ülikooli arheoloogia teaduskogu, 2022-06-01)
This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological seafood remains. The dataset consists of several tables that will be added here on an ongoing bases after their publication.
It is being made ...
Dataset on the zooarchaeological records of oyster shells in Estonian archaeological collections
(Tallinn University, Archaeological Research Collection, 2022-03-11)
This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological seafood remains. The dataset consists of 4 tables and 3 (5) photo folders. It is being made public both to act as supplementary data for publication ...
Main dataset of the MetDect project
(Tallinna Ülikool, Humanitaarteaduste instituut, 2023)
This dataset contains data collected and organised at Tallinn University, as a part of the MetDect project ("Metal-detected past: a study of long-term developments in settlement patterns, technology and visual culture on ...