This submission contains four modified datasets in CSV format and R code in QMD format, which together reproduce the figures in the Meister et al. manuscript The effect of Vaccination on post-COVID-19 major acute cardiac events and mortality: a target trial emulation. These are NOT the exact data used in the manuscript, but rather lightly scrambled versions of it. Specifically, we randomised the ages, transported the inhabitants of the smallest county into a neighbouring county and recoded county names as numbers (in character encoding). The variables: age in years, sex Ð M means males, N means females education Ð primary, secondary, higher heart Ð 1 suffers from heart disease, 0 free of heart disease lung - 1 suffers from lung disease, 0 free of lung disease diabetes - 1 suffers from diabetes, 0 free of diabetes tongue Ð motherÕs tongue: Estonian, Russian/Ukrainian/Byelorussian, other vac Ð 1 vaccinated against COVID-19, 0 not vaccinated against COVID-19 cal_time1 Ð calendar time in days (starting from the study start date) time Ð time in days from T0 to event (mace or death) or censoring status Ð 1 event (mace or death), 2 event (death), 0 censored vaccinated Ð vaccination status encoded as characters. yes Ð vaccinated against COVID-19, no Ð not vaccinated id Ð pseudo-identification number