Cite this dataset: Rannamäe, Eve; Varul, Liivi; Tomek, Teresa (2024). Dataset of zooarchaeological records from Jõelähtme stone-­cist cemetery. DOI: JÕELÄHTME ANIMAL REMAINS README *** Dataset of zooarchaeological records from Jõelähtme stone­cist cemetery *** Authors: Eve Rannamäe (a), Liivi Varul (b), Teresa Tomek (c) (a) Department of Archaeology, Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu, Estonia (b) School of Humanities, Tallinn University, Estonia (c) Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Contact information: *** General introduction*** This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological animal remains from Jõelähtme stone cist graves, Estonia. All data found here are inserted in ArhIS database and Estonian Archaeology Dataset (ARHEST) Data in this dataset were collected at the University of Tartu during the period of 2014-2017. Publications (short references are found in the data table and this file): Aguraiuja-Lätti, Ü., Tõrv, M., Sayle, K. L., Lõugas, L., Rannamäe, E., Ehrlich, F., Nuut, S., Peeters, T., Oras, E., Kriiska, A. 2022. Multi-isotopic analysis of zooarchaeological material from Estonia (ca. 200–1800 CE): Variation among food webs and geographical regions. PLoS ONE, 17 (12), e0279583. Driesch, A. von den. 1976. Das Vermessen von Tierknochen aus vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Siedlungen. Institut für Paläoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin der Universität München, München. Ehrlich, F., Rannamäe, E., Laneman, M., Tõrv, M., Lang, V., Oras, E., Lõugas, L. 2021. In search of Estonia’s earliest chicken. - Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 25: 2, 160-181. Grant, A. 1982. The use of tooth wear as a guide to the age of domestic ungulates. - Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites (BAR, British Series, 109). Eds B. Wilson, C. Grigson, S. Payne. Archaeopress, Oxford, 91-108. Laneman, M. 2021. The date of the stone-cist cemetery at Jõelähtme reconsidered. - Estonian Journal of Archaeology 25: 1, 55-89. Rannamäe, E., Lõugas, L., Speller, C. F., Valk, H., Maldre, L., Wilczynski, J. et al. 2016. Three thousand years of continuity in the maternal lineages of ancient sheep (Ovis aries) in Estonia. - PLoS ONE, 11: 10, e0163676. Tõrv, M., Chen, S., Unt, A., Johanson, K., Rannamäe, E., Varul, L., Sammler, S., Sepp, H., Lang, V., Tvauri, A., Salmar, S., Meadows, J., Oras, E. In prep. Segregated food culture? Bronze Age (1250–500 cal BCE) dietary practices in Northern Estonia. - Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. (Manuscript in review, estimated publication time 2025.) Varul, L., Rannamäe, E. 2014. Solving the Puzzle of a Bronze Age Stone-Cist Grave at Jõelähtme, Estonia. - Student Archaeology in Europe 2014. Eds P. Krištuf, D. Novák, P. Tóth, D. Vokounová Franzeová. University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, 152-161. Varul, L. 2016. Jõelähtme kivikirstkalmete 1–9, 12–24, 34–36 inimluude analüüs. Tartu. Manuscript in the archive of the Archaeological Research Collection at Tallinn University. *** Purpose of the data collection *** The purpose of the data collection was to obtain information about archaeological animal remains from the Late Bronze Age Jõelähtme stone cist graves in Estonia, mainly to supplement the osteological analysis of human remains from the same graves (Varul 2016). The dataset was finalised in the frame of project PSG492 'Pots and bones, lipids and proteins: biomolecular archaeology for ancient dietary studies', supported by the Estonian Research Council. *** Description of the data in this dataset *** The dataset consists of four files: 'JÕELÄHTME_ANIMAL_REMAINS_README.txt' - this file. 'AI_5306_Jõelähtme_animal_remains.xlsx' - table that contains basic identification data for 1168 specimens from Jõelähtme stone cist graves, from excavations in 1982-1984 (collection ID AI 5306). 'AI_5306_Jõelähtme_animal_remains_by_grave' - summary tables by species and skeletal elements for each grave 'AI_5306_Jõelähtme_summary' - summary table by species and grave ***AI_5306_Jõelähtme_animal_remains.xlsx - data description*** *** Üldandmed = General information *** Tulme = Collection ID number Leiunumber = AZ collection number given to the specimen or set of specimens Leidude arv = Number of specimens (whole and/or fragments) Leiuaeg = Time of finding (i.e. archaeological fieldwork) Publitseeritud = Published (short reference marked) Kirjeldus = General description Märkused = General remarks (incl. taphonomy and sampling information) *** Leiukoht = Find location *** Kaevand = Excavation plot (here, grave number) Korris = Technical layer of the excavation plot Leiukoht = Description of the find location Ruut = Square of the excavation plot Sügavus max. = Maximal depth Sügavus min. = Minimal depth Laiuskraad (B) = Latitude (B) of the archaeological site/excavation plot Pikkuskraad (L) = Longitude (L) of the archaeological site/excavation plot *** Asukoht = Repository *** Hoidla = Depository Karbi nr = Box number *** Määrang = Identification *** Loomarühm = Animal group Takson = Taxon Kehaosa = Body part Luu/jäänus = Bone/remain Pool = Side Sugu = Sex Patoloogiad = Pathologies Vanus = Age, i.e. neonatal/juvenile/subadult/adult, empty cell is by default 'adult' Isend = Individual Kirjeldus (määrang) = Description (identification) Märkused (määrang) = Remarks (identification) Jäänuste arv = Number of specimens (whole and/or fragments) Märkused (jäänuste arv) = Remarks (number of specimens) Määraja 1 = Analyst 1 Määramise aeg = Time of identification Määraja 2 = Analyst 2 Määramise aeg 2 = Time of identification 2 *** Dateering = Dating *** C14 dateering = 14C date Labori number = Lab number Arheoloogiline kontekst = Archaeological context Märkused (dateering) = Remarks (dating) *** Mõõdud (mm) = Measurements (mm) *** Pikkus (L) max = Max. length Pikkus (L) min = Min. length Laius (W) max = Max. width Laius (W) min = Min. width Kõrgus (H) = Height Sügavus/läbimõõt (D) = Depth/diameter Märkused (mõõdud) = Remarks (measurements) *** Proov = Sample *** Proovivõtu protokolli nr = Sampling protocol number *** 'AI_5306_Jõelähtme_animal_remains_by_grave' *** Number of specimens by body part, skeletal element, and taxa (given in Estonian, Latin, and English). Data for different graves are shown in separate sheets. *** 'AI_5306_Jõelähtme_summary' *** Visual overview of the presence of different taxa in the graves.