*** Strengthening guideline contextualization in the WHO European Region*** Marge Reinap,a Naomi Limaro Nathan,a Natasha Azzopardi Muscat,a Kaja-Triin Laisaar,b Urmeli Katusb & Holger J SchŸnemannc a World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Marmorvej 51, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. b Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. c Clinical Epidemiology and Research Center, Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy. Correspondending author: Marge Reinap Email: reinapm@who.int ***General information*** Estonia developed its national HIV prophylaxis and treatment guideline (ãHIV-infektsiooni kokkupuute eelne- ja jŠrgne profŸlaktika ning HIV-positiivsete isikute raviÒ) as a contextualization exercise using GRADE-Adolopment approach. This table presents a comparative overview of the information (the prioritized questions, evidence source(s), recommendations, strength of recommendation and certainty of evidence) of the source guidelines from WHO and the final Estonian contextualized guideline. It also includes local considerations that were considered during the exercise. ***Methodology*** Narrative overview based on desk review of the published guidelines, their background documents used during the process and meeting protocols. ***Description of the data in the data set*** Data specific information: N/A ***Sharing and Access information*** N/A