Cite this dataset: Rannamäe, Eve (2024). Dataset of zooarchaeological records from Iru fortified settlement site. DOI: 10.23673/re-466. IRU FAUNAL REMAINS README *** Dataset of zooarchaeological records from Iru fortified settlement site *** Author: Eve Rannamäe Department of Archaeology, Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu Contact information: *** General introduction*** This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological animal remains from Iru fortified settlement, Estonia. The dataset consists of two tables. It is being made public to act as supplementary data for the publication Rannamäe et al. (2024). All data found here are inserted in ArhIS database and Estonian Archaeology Dataset (ARHEST) Data in this dataset were collected at the University of Tartu during the period of 2020-2022. Publications (short references are found in data tables and this file): Driesch, A. von den. 1976. Das Vermessen von Tierknochen aus vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Siedlungen. Institut für Paläoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin der Universität München, München. Grant, A. 1982. The use of tooth wear as a guide to the age of domestic ungulates. - Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites (BAR, British Series, 109). Eds B. Wilson, C. Grigson & S. Payne. Archaeopress, Oxford, 91-108. Paaver, K. 1966. Iru ja Asva kindlustatud asula ja linnuse kaevamisel 1953.-1957. a. kogutud luumaterjalide määramise esialgsed tulemused. Tartu. Manuscript in the archive of the Archaeological Research Collection at Tallinn University, AI 5-1. Rannamäe, E., Lang, V., Johanson, K., Sammler, S. & Oras, E. 2024. Horsemeat consumption in Late Bronze Age Estonia: a case study from the Iru fortified settlement. - Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 28(2), 67-91. DOI: 10.23673/re-466. Schmid, E. 1972. Atlas of Animal Bones. Amsterdam – London – New-York, Elsevier Publishing Company. Tõrv, M., Chen, S., Unt, A., Johanson, K., Rannamäe, E., Varul, L., Sammler, S., Sepp, H., Lang, V., Tvauri, A., Salmar, S., Meadows, J. & Oras, E. In prep. Segregated food culture? Bronze Age (1250–500 cal BCE) dietary practices in Northern Estonia. - Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. (Manuscript in review, estimated publication time 2024.) *** Purpose of the data collection *** The purpose of the data collection was to obtain information about archaeological animal remains from the Late Bronze Age Iru fortified settlement in Estonia, mainly to study horsemeat consumption. To that aim, cut marks were looked for and described in greater detail for the skeletal elements from meatier body parts in horse and cattle. For other body parts, and also for other species, the presence and details of the cut marks were not recorded in such detail. For more information on methods, see Rannamäe et al. (in prep.). The dataset was created in the frame of project PSG492 'Pots and bones, lipids and proteins: biomolecular archaeology for ancient dietary studies', supported by the Estonian Research Council. *** Description of the data in this dataset *** The dataset consists of three files: 'IRU_FAUNAL_REMAINS_README.txt' - this file. 'Table_1_AI-4051_Iru_1953-1956.xlsx' - table that contains basic identification data for 1672 specimens from Iru fortified settlement, from excavations in 1953-1956 (collection ID AI 4051). The table has four sheets: (1) identifications, (2) measurements (after von den Driesch 1976), (3) summary table by species and skeletal elements, (4) notes. When organising the faunal material, each context was given an archaeozoology collection (AZ) number. There was a total of 664 recorded contexts (AZ-1 – AZ-664) in 79 boxes from the excavation years of 1953–1956. Of these, 168 contexts were selected for identification using the criteria by Paaver (1966), according to which these should be originating from the Late Bronze Age. The remaining contexts (those that should not be from the Late Bronze Age and that were not analysed for this study), are coloured with grey in sheet (1). 'Table_2_AI-5302_Iru_1986.xlsx' - table that contains basic identification data for 1385 specimens from Iru fortified settlement, from excavations in 1986 (collection ID AI 5302). The table has three sheets: (1) identifications, (2) measurements (after von den Driesch 1976), (3) summary table by species and skeletal elements. When identifying the faunal material, each specimen was given an archaeozoology collection (AZ) number. ***xlsx tables - data description*** *** Sheet (1) - identifications *** *** Üldandmed = General information *** Tulme = Collection ID number Leiunumber = AZ collection number given to the specimen or set of specimens Leidude arv = Number of specimens (whole and/or fragments) Leiuaeg = Time of finding (i.e. archaeological fieldwork) Publitseeritud = Published (short reference marked) Kirjeldus = General description (incl. excavation method by hand/sieve) Märkused = General remarks (incl. taphonomy and sampling information) *** Leiukoht = Find location *** Kaevand = Excavation plot Korris = Technical layer of the excavation plot Leiukoht = Description of the find location Ruut = Square of the excavation plot Sügavus max. = Maximal depth Sügavus min. = Minimal depth Laiuskraad (B) = Latitude (B) of the archaeological site/excavation plot Pikkuskraad (L) = Longitude (L) of the archaeological site/excavation plot *** Asukoht = Repository *** Hoidla = Depository Karbi nr = Box number *** Määrang = Identification *** Loomarühm = Animal group Takson = Taxon Kehaosa = Body part Luu/jäänus = Bone/remain Pool = Side Sugu = Sex Patoloogiad = Pathologies Vanus = Age, i.e. neonatal/juvenile/subadult/adult, empty cell is by default 'adult' Isend = Individual Kirjeldus (määrang) = Description (identification) Märkused (määrang) = Remarks (identification) Jäänuste arv = Number of specimens (whole and/or fragments) Märkused (jäänuste arv) = Remarks (number of specimens) Määraja 1 = Analyst 1 Määramise aeg = Time of identification Määraja 2 = Analyst 2 Määramise aeg 2 = Time of identification 2 *** Dateering = Dating *** C14 dateering = 14C date Labori number = Lab number Arheoloogiline kontekst = Archaeological context Märkused (dateering) = Remarks (dating) *** Mõõdud (mm) = Measurements (mm) *** Pikkus (L) max = Max. length Pikkus (L) min = Min. length Laius (W) max = Max. width Laius (W) min = Min. width Kõrgus (H) = Height Sügavus/läbimõõt (D) = Depth/diameter Märkused (mõõdud) = Remarks (measurements) *** Proov = Sample *** Proovivõtu protokolli nr = Sampling protocol number *** Sheet (2) - measurements *** All abbreviations according to von den Driesch 1976. *** LUULEID = SPECIMEN *** Tulme = Collection ID number Leiunumber = AZ collection number given to the specimen or set of specimens Takson = Taxon Luu/jäänus = Bone/specimen Vanus = Age, i.e. neonatal/juvenile/subadult/adult, empty cell is by default 'adult' Üldpikkus (neonatal, juv) = Overall length (for neonates, juveniles) *** HAMBAD = TEETH *** M3 (Bov+Eq biting surface; Sus base of crown) = third molar, measured at the biting surface in bovids and horses, and at the base of crown in pigs L = length of M3 B = width of M3 Hambarida P-M Max/Mand = molar row in maxilla/mandible L = length of the molar row *** EESVÖÖDE = PECTORAL GIRDLE *** *** Scapula *** HS = Height DHA = Diagonal height Ld = Dorsal length KLC = Smallest length of the neck of the scapula GLP = Greatest length of the glenoid process LG (incl. cran. lip) = Length of the glenoid cavity BG = Breadth of the glenoid cavity *** EESJÄSE = FRONT LIMB *** *** Humerus *** GL = Greatest length GLl (ainult Eq) = Greatest length of the lateral part (only in horses) GLC = Greatest length from caput Bp (v.a. Can, Lep) = Greatest breadth of the proximal end (not in canids and hares) Tp (ainult Can, Lep) = Depth of the proximal end (only in canids and hares) KD = Smallest breadth of diaphysis Bd (Rum + Eq pika nihikuga! vt lk 71) = Greatest breadth of the distal end (in ruminants and horses with broad calliper, see page 71) BT (ainult Eq, Rum) = Greatest breadth of the trochlea (only in horses and ruminants) *** Radius *** GL = Greatest length PL (ainult Eq) = Physiological length (only in horses) Ll (ainult Eq) = Length of the lateral part (only in horses) Bp = Greatest breadth of the proximal end BFp (ainult Eq, Rum, samal tasandil nagu Bp) = Greatest breadth of the humeral articular surface (only in horses and ruminants, in the same plane as Bp) KD (Sus, Ursus, same alignment as surface) = Smallest breadth of the diaphysis (in pigs and bears at the same alignment as the direction of proximal articular surface) UD (ainult Eq) = Smallest circumference of diaphysis (only in horses) Bd = Greatest breadth of the distal end BFd (ainult Eq, Rum, samal tasandil nagu Bd) = Greatest breadth of the distal articular surface (only in horses and ruminants, in the same plane as Bd) *** Ulna *** GL = Greatest length GLl (ainult Eq) = Greatest length of lateral part (only in horses) LO (ainult Rum) = Length of the olecranon (only in ruminants) TPA = Shortest depth from the Processus anconaeus to the caudal border of the ulna KTO = Smallest depth of the olecranon BPC = Greatest breadth of the proximal articular surface *** TAGAJÄSE = HIND LIMB *** *** Femur *** GL (Eq, Rum, Sus, Lep puhul mõõta lat. küljelt) = Greatest length (in horses, ruminants, pigs and hares at the lateral side) GLC (in some Carn = GL) = Greatest length from caput femoris (in some carnivores it is the same as greatest length) Bp = Greatest breadth of the proximal end BTr (ainult Lep) = Greatest breadth of the region of the Trochanter tertius (only in hares) TC = Greatest depth of the caput femoris KD = Smallest breadth of diaphysis UD (ainult Eq) = Smallest circumference of the diaphysis (only in horses) Bd (Ung - meas box) = Greatest breadth of the distal end (in ungulates measured in a measuring box) *** Patella *** GL = Greatest length GB = Greatest breadth *** Tibia *** GL = Greatest length Ll (ainult Eq) = Lateral length (only in horses) Bp = Greatest breadth of the proximal end KD = Smallest breadth of the diaphysis UD (ainult Eq) = Smallest circumference of the diaphysis (only in horses) Bd = Greatest breadth of the distal end Td (ainult Eq, Lep) = Greatest depth of the distal end (only in horses and hares) *** Fibula *** GL = Greatest length *** Malleolus *** GT = Greatest depth *** Talus (Eq) = Talus in horses *** GH (=length, meas box) = Greatest height, i.e. length (measured in a measuring box) GB (meas box) = Greatest breadth (measured in a measuring box) BFd = Breadth of the distal articular surface LmT = Length of the medial part of the Trochlea tali *** Talus (Artio) = Talus in artiodactyls*** GLl = Greatest length of the lateral half GLm = Greatest length of the medial half Tl (v.a. Sus) = Greatest depth of the lateral half (except in pigs) Tm (v.a. Sus) = Greatest depth of the medial half (except in pigs) Bd = Greatest breadth of the distal end *** Talus (Carn, Lep) = Talus in carnivores and hares *** GL = Greatest length *** Calcaneus *** GL = Greatest length GB (meas box) = Greatest breadth (measured in a measuring box) *** JÄSE = LIMB *** *** Carpale/tarsale *** GB (meas box) = Greatest breadth (measured in a measuring box) *** Metapodium (Eq, Rum) = Metapodium in horses and ruminants *** GL = Greatest length GLl (ainult Eq) = Greatest length of the lateral part (only in horses) Ll (ainult Eq) = Lateral length (only in horses) Bp (Bos - nihik paralleelne plant küljega) = Greatest breadth of the proximal end (in cattle, the calliper should be parallel to the plantar side) Tp (ainult Eq Mc) = Greatest depth of the proximal end (only in horses metacarpus) KD = Smallest breadth of the diaphysis UD (ainult Eq) = Smallest circumference of the diaphysis (only in horses) TD = Smallest depth of the diaphysis Bd = Greatest breadth of the distal end Td (ainult Eq) = Greatest depth of the distal end (only in horses) *** Metapodiale (Sus - Mp II ja Mp V puhul ainult GL) = Metapodials in pigs (for Mp II and Mp V, only GL is measured) *** GL = Greatest length LoP = Length excepting the plantar projection Bp (2 puutepunkti on 2 väikest liigespinda siseküljel) = Greatest breadth of the proximal end (the two fixed points are the two small articular facets on the inner side) B = Breadth in the middle of the diaphysis Bd = Greatest breadth of the distal end *** Metapodiale (Carn, Lep) = Metapodials in carnivores and hares *** GL = Greatest length Bd = Greatest breadth of the distal end *** Phalanx 1 (Eq) = Phalanx 1 in horses *** GL (meas box) = Greatest length (measured in a measuring box) Bp = Greatest breadth of the proximal end BFp = Greatest breadth of the proximal articular surface Tp = Depth of the proximal end KD = Smallest breadth of the diaphysis Bd = Greatest breadth of the distal end BFd = Greatest breadth of the distal articular surface *** Phalanx 1 (Bov, Sus) = Phalanx 1 in bovids and pigs *** GLpe (perif. pool, parall. nihikuga!) = Greatest length of the peripheral half (measured in parallel to the calliper) Bp = Greatest breadth of the proximal end KD = Smallest breadth of the diaphysis Bd = Greatest breadth of the distal end *** Phalanx 1 (Carn, Lep) = Phalanx 1 in carnivores and hares *** GL = Greatest length Bp = Greatest breadth of the proximal end KD = Smallest breadth of the diaphysis Bd = Greatest breadth of the distal end *** Phalanx 2 (Eq) = Phalanx 2 in horses *** GL (meas box) = Greatest length (measured in a measuring box) Bp = Greatest breadth of the proximal end BFp = Greatest breadth of the proximal articular surface Tp = Depth of the proximal end KD = Smallest breadth of the diaphysis Bd = Greatest breadth of the distal end *** Phalanx 2 (teised) = Phalanx 2 in others *** GL (Rum perif. küljest, parall.!) = Greatest length (in ruminants, measured at the peripheral half, in parallel to the calliper) Bp = Greatest breadth of the proximal end KD = Smallest breadth of the diaphysis Bd = Greatest breadth of the distal end *** Sesamoid (dist, Eq) = distal sesamoid bone in horses *** GB = Greatest breadth *** Phalanx 3 (Eq) = Phalanx 3 in horses *** GL = Greatest length GB = Greatest breadth LF = Length of the articular surface BF = Breadth of the articular surface Ld = Length of the dorsal surface HP (meas box) = Height in the region of the extensor process (measured in a measuring box) *** Phalanx 3 (Rum, Sus) = Phalanx 3 in ruminants and pigs *** DLS = Greatest diagonal length of the sole Ld = Length of the dorsal surface MBS = Breadth in the middle of the sole *** Sheet (3) - summary table by species and skeletal elements *** Number of specimens by body part, skeletal element, and taxa (given in Estonian, Latin, and English). *** Sheet (4) - notes *** Only in 'Table_1_AI-4051_Iru_1953-1956.xlsx'.