MAMMAL REMAINS README *** Dataset on zooarchaeological records of Estonian medieval and early modern mammal remains *** Authors: Eve Rannamäe (a), Liina Maldre (b), Freydis Ehrlich (a), Sander Nuut (a), Lembi Lõugas (b), Arvi Haak (a,c), Ülle Aguraiuja-Lätti (b) (a) Department of Archaeology, Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu (b) Archaeological Research Collection, Tallinn University (c) Tartu City Museum Corresponding author: Eve Rannamäe Contact information: *** General introduction*** This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological mammal remains. The dataset consists of four tables. It is being made public both to act as supplementary data for the publication Rannamäe & Aguraiuja-Lätti (2023) and research projects PRG29 and PSG492. All data found here, are inserted in ArhIS database and Estonian Archaeology Dataset (ARHEST) Data in this dataset were collected at the University of Tartu and Tallinn University during the period of 2000-2022. Publications (short references are found in data tables and this file): Aguraiuja-Lätti, Ü., Tõrv, M., Sayle, K. L., Lõugas, L., Rannamäe, E., Ehrlich, F., Nuut, S., Peeters, T., Oras, E. & Kriiska, A. 2022. Multi-isotopic analysis of zooarchaeological material from Estonia (ca. 200–1800 CE): Variation among food webs and geographical regions. – PLOS ONE, 17: 12, e0279583. Driesch, A. von den. 1976. Das Vermessen von Tierknochen aus vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Siedlungen. Institut für Paläoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin der Universität München, München. Ehrlich, F., Rannamäe, E. & Lõugas, L. 2021. Aruanne Tartu Küütri 1 jäätmekastist 2006. aastal (TM A-162) kogutud loomaluudest. Manuscript in the archive of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Tartu and in the Department of Archaeology of Tartu City Museum. Ehrlich, F. 2022a. Aruanne Pärnu Põhja pst 2002. aastal kogutud loomaluudest (PäMu A 2570). Manuscript in the archive of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Tartu. Ehrlich, F. 2022b. Aruanne Viljandi ordulinnusest 2006. aastal kogutud loomaluudest (VM 11167). Manuscript in the archive of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Tartu. Ehrlich, F. & Lõugas, L. 2022a. Aruanne Tartu Oa tänava 2021. aastal (TM A-283) kogutud loomaluudest. Manuscript in the archive of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Tartu. Ehrlich, F. & Lõugas, L. 2022b. Dataset on zooarchaeological records obtained from the Oa Street, Tartu (Estonia), excavations in 2021. UT DataDOI Online Repository. DOI: 10.23673/re-154. Grant, A. 1982. The use of tooth wear as a guide to the age of domestic ungulates. - Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites (BAR, British Series, 109). Eds B. Wilson, C. Grigson & S. Payne. Archaeopress, Oxford, 91-108. Haak, A., Rannamäe, E., Luik, H. & Maldre, L. 2012. Worked and unworked bone from the Viljandi castle of the Livonian Order (13th–16th centuries). – Lietuvos archeologija, 38, 295-338. Haak, A., Rannamäe, E. & Ehrlich, F. 2022. Körn, kooska ja kulu. Tartu keskaegsetest linnaloomadest. - Linnaloom. Ed. P. Ehasalu. (Tallinna Linnamuuseumi toimetised, 2.) Tallinna Linnamuuseum, Tallinn, 23-53. Lightfoot, E., Naum, M., Kadakas, V. & Russow, E. 2016. The influence of social status and ethnicity on diet in mediaeval Tallinn as seen through stable isotope analysis. - Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 20: 1, 81–107. Lõugas, L. 1992. Pärnu, Malmö tn. 15 arheoloogilised päästekaevamised 1992. a. Loomaluude analüüs. Manuscript in the archive of the Archaeological Research Collection at Tallinn University, AI 5-4-17. Lõugas, L., Maldre, L., Tomek, T. & Kadakas, V. 2012. Archaeozoological evidence from the Padise Monastery. - Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2011, 83-92. Lõugas, L., Ehrlich, F., Maldre, L. & Hiie, S. 2019a. Dataset of the archaeozoological (AZ) and -botanical (AB) records obtained from the Haapsalu Castle excavations in 2017. UT DataDOI Online Repository. DOI: 10.23673/re-154. Lõugas, L., Rannamäe, E., Ehrlich, F. & Tvauri, A. 2019b. Duty on fish: zooarchaeological evidence from Kastre Castle and customs station site between Russia and Estonia. - International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 29: 3, 432-442. Maldre, L. 2008. Koduloomaluud keskaegsest Tallinnast. - Loodus, inimene ja tehnoloogia, 2. Interdistsiplinaarseid uurimusi arheoloogias. / Nature, Man and Technology, 2. Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology. Eds L. Jaanits, V. Lang & J. Peets. (Muinasaja teadus, 17.) Tallinn, Tartu, 277-311. Malve, M., Viljat, J., Rannamäe, E., Vilumets, L. & Ehrlich, F. 2020. Archaeological fieldwork at Pikk Street and St Michael’s churchyard, Rakvere. - Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2019, 189-212. Malve, M., Ehrlich, F., Haak, A., Lõugas, L. & Hiie, S. 2022. Town under siege: The Great Northern war mass graves from the suburb of Tartu. - Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia 2021, 249-262. Malve, M., Aguraiuja-Lätti, Ü., Müldner, G. & Pluskowski, A. 2023. High clergy feasts and suburban suppers: diet and social status in medieval and early modern Tartu, Estonia. – Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 52, 104210. Matolcsi, J. 1970. Historische Erforschung der Körpergrösse des Rindes auf Grund von ungarischem Knochenmaterial. – Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie, 87, 89–137. Niemi, M., Bläuer, A., Iso-Touru, T., Harjula, J., Nyström-Edmark, V., Rannamäe, E., Lõugas, L., Sajantila, A., Lidén, K. & Taavitsainen, J.-P. 2015. Temporal Fluctuation in North East Baltic Sea Region Cattle Population Revealed by Mitochondrial and Y-Chromosomal DNA Analyses. - PLoS ONE, 10 (5), 1-16. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123821. Nuut, S. 2023. Kolme koera elu rekonstruktsioon zooarheoloogilise materjali põhjal. Master’s thesis. University of Tartu, Tartu. (last accessed 11.02.2024). Nuut, S. & Ehrlich, F. 2022. Aruanne Tallinn Tatari 1 2020. ja 2021. aastal (AI 8352) kogutud loomaluudest. Manuscript in the archive of the Archaeological Research Collection at Tallinn University, AI 5-4-20. Nuut, S., Ehrlich, F. & Lõugas, L. 2022. Aruanne Tallinn Estonia pst 7 2019. aastal (AI 8013) kogutud loomaluudest. Manuscript in the archive of the Archaeological Research Collection at Tallinn University. Nuut, S. & Rannamäe, E. 2021. Aruanne Haapsalu Jaani 4 2002. aastal (HM 8914) kogutud loomaluudest. Manuscript in the archive of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Tartu. Nuut, S., Ehrlich, F. & Lõugas, L. 2024. Aruanne Põltsamaa linnusest 1998. aastal (TÜ 714) kogutud loomaluudest. Manuscript in the archive of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Tartu. Peets, J., Saage, R. & Maldre, L. 2013. The medieval and early modern smithy site of Käku. – Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2012, 93-108. Rannamäe, E. 2010. A zooarchaeological study of animal consumption in medieval Viljandi. Master’s thesis. University of Tartu. (last accessed 10.02.2024). Rannamäe, E. 2020. Sargvere asulakoht 2019, TÜ 2821. Loomaluude määrangute aruanne. In: Piirits, P. 2020. Arheoloogiline uuring Sargvere asulakohal. Preliminary excavation report. Tartu. Manuscript in the archive of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Tartu. Rannamäe, E. & Lõugas, L. 2019. Animal exploitation in Karksi and Viljandi (Estonia) in the Late Iron Age and Medieval Period. - Ecologies of Crusading, Colonization, and Religious Conversion in the Medieval Baltic: Ed. A. Pluskowski. (Terra Sacra, II.) Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, 61-76. Rannamäe, E. & Aguraiuja-Lätti, Ü. 2023. Zooarchaeology of livestock and game in medieval and early modern Estonia. - Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 27, 3S, 50–82. Rannamäe, E. & Ehrlich, F. 2023a. Aruanne Kärevere asulakohalt 1986. aastal (AI 5390) kogutud loomaluudest. Manuscript in the archive of the Archaeological Research Collection at Tallinn University. Rannamäe, E. & Ehrlich, F. 2023b. Aruanne Lohkva asulakohast 2004. aastal (TÜ 2004) kogutud loomaluudest. Manuscript in the archive of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Tartu. Rannamäe, E., Lõugas, L., Niemi, M., Kantanen, J., Maldre, L., Kadõrova, N. & Saarma, U. 2016. Maternal and paternal genetic diversity of ancient sheep in Estonia from the Bronze Age to the Post-Medieval Period, and comparison with other regions in Eurasia. - Animal Genetics, 47, 2, 208-218. DOI: 10.1111/age.12407. Rannamäe, E., Lõugas, L., Speller, C. F., Valk, H., Maldre, L., Wilczynski, J., Mikhailov, A. & Saarma, U. 2016b. Three thousand years of continuity in the maternal lineages of ancient sheep (Ovis aries) in Estonia. - PLOS ONE, 11: 10, e0163676. Rannamäe, E., Andrianov, V., Järv, E., Semjonov, A., Haak, A. & Kreem, J. 2019. A month in a horse’s life: healing process of a fractured third metatarsal bone from medieval Viljandi, Estonia. - International Journal of Paleopathology, 24, 286-292. Rannamäe, E., Saarma, U., Ärmpalu-Idvand, A., Teasdale, M. D., Speller, C. 2020. Retroviral analysis reveals the ancient origin of Kihnu native sheep in Estonia: implications for breed conservation. - Scientific Reports, 10, 17340. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-74415-z. Rannamäe, E., Ehrlich, F. & Lõugas, L. 2023a. Aruanne Tartu Ülikooli 15 jäätmekastidest 2005. ja 2007. aastal (TM A-141) kogutud loomaluudest. Manuscript in the archive of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Tartu and in the Department of Archaeology of Tartu City Museum. Rannamäe, E., Ehrlich, F. & Lõugas, L. 2023b. Aruanne Tartu Lutsu 12 hoovist 2016. aastal (TM A-244) kogutud loomaluudest. Manuscript in the archive of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Tartu. Rannamäe, E., Saarma, U., Kantanen, J. & Bläuer, A. 2023c. Maternal genetic diversity of ancient goats in Finland and Estonia and comparison with extant northern European goat breeds. - Animal Genetics, 54 (2), 177-188. DOI: 10.1111/age.13281. Rannamäe, E. & Ehrlich, F. 2024. Pika tänava rekonstrueerimisega seoses toimunud arheoloogilised päästekaevamised Rakvere Pikal tänaval ja Püha Mihkli kirikaias. Zooarheoloogiline analüüs. Tartu. Manuscript in the archive of the Archaeological Research Collection at Tallinn University. Rannamäe, E., Lõugas, L. & Ehrlich, F. 2024. Aruanne Tartu Botaanikaaiast 1989. aastal (TM A-43) kogutud loomaluudest. Manuscript in the archive of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Tartu. Russow, E., Lõugas, L., Maldre, L., Hiie, S., Kihno, K., Luik, H., Sarv, K., Kalm, A., Reppo, M., Kadakas, U. & Kadakas, V. 2013. Medieval and early modern suburban site in Tallinn, Tartu Road 1: artefacts and ecofacts. - Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2012, 149-170. Saage, R., Peets, J., Tiidu, E. & Maldre, L. 2015. New research results from the smithy site of Käku in 2013-2014. - Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2014, 193-204. Saage, R., Rannamäe, E. & Haak, A. 2021. Excavations at the settlement site of Sargvere. - Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 2020, 151-160. Yu, H., Jamieson, A., Hulme-Beaman, A., Conroy, C. J., Knight, B., Speller, C., Al-Jarah, H., Eager, H., Trinks, A., Adikari, G., Baron, H., Böhlendorf-Arslan, B., Bohingamuwa, W., Crowther, A., Cucchi, T., Esser, K., Fleisher, J., Gidney, L., Gladilina, E., Gol’din, P. ... Orton, D. 2022. Palaeogenomic analysis of black rat (Rattus rattus) reveals multiple European introductions associated with human economic history. - Nature Communications, 13, 2399. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-30009-z. *** Purpose of the data collection *** The purpose of the data collection was to obtain information about archaeological mammal remains from medieval and early modern sites in Estonia in order to study the production and consumption of animal resources in the 13th to 18th century castles, towns, rural settlements, and monasteries. Additional aims were to collect morphometric data on cattle and stable isotopes data on cattle, sheep, goat, and pig. This dataset was created in the frame of the following projects: (1) PRG29, 2018–2022, 'Foreign vs. local in Medieval and Modern Age foodways in the eastern Baltic: tracing the changing food consumption through provenance analyses', supported by the Estonian Research Council; (2) PSG492 'Pots and bones, lipids and proteins: biomolecular archaeology for ancient dietary studies', supported by the Estonian Research Council. *** Description of the data in this dataset *** The dataset consists of 5 files: 'MAMMAL_REMAINS_README.txt' - this file. 'Table_1_Archaeological_sites.xlsx' - table that contains information for 37 archaeological sites and the assemblages of animal remains; 'Table_2_Identifications_by_specimen.xlsx' - table that contains basic identification data for 69 419 mammal specimens; 'Table_3_Cattle_metacarpal_morphometrics.xlsx' - table that contains cattle (Bos taurus) metacarpal widest distal breadth (Bd) and greatest length (GL) measurements, and withers height calculations; 'Table_4_Stable_isotope_data.xlsx' - table that contains carbon (13C), nitrogen (15N), and sulphur (34S) stable isotope values for cattle, goat, sheep, and pig specimens from medieval and early modern sites in Estonia. ***xlsx tables - data description*** *** Table_1_Archaeological_sites.xlsx *** Collection ID = Collection ID number; material is storaged in the collections of (a) Department of Archaeology, University of Tartu, (b) Archaeological Research Collection, Tallinn University, (c) Tartu City Museum Archaeological site and excavation year(s) = Origin for each assemblage Main analyst(s) of mammal specimens = Researcher(s) who mainly analysed the material; for the other analyst(s), who contibuted identifying single specimens in the assemblage, see Table 2 Osteological ID published in = Identification report or research article where the identifications have been previously published; the list might not be exhaustive - only publications known to the authors at the time of the analysis were added; for full references see this file Total N (incl. undet. Mammalia) = Number of specimens in the assemblage, including undetermined mammal specimens NISP (excl. undet. Mammalia) = Number of identified specimens in the assemblage, excluding undetermined mammal specimens Tooth wear recorded after Grant 1982 = Shows whether tooth wear information is available ('yes') or not available ('no') for each assemblage, see Table 2 AZ numbers = Specimens included in this dataset from each assemblage and sub-assemblage/context, AZ indicates collection number given to each specimen or ocasionally set of specimens (more than one) Date by context = Date given to osteological material based on archaeological context and associated finds Period = Assigned based on date by context Total N per context (incl. undet. Mammalia) = Number of specimens in each context, including undetermined mammal specimens Analysis unit - Period = Analytical units used in Rannamäe & Aguraiuja-Lätti (2023), where 'MA' is Middle Ages, 'EMP' is Early Modern Period, and 'MP' is Modern Period Analysis unit - Region = Analytical units used in Rannamäe & Aguraiuja-Lätti (2023), where assemblages are divided between northern Estonia ('N Estonia'), southern Estonia ('S Estonia'), and western Estonia ('W Estonia') Analysis unit - Site type = Analytical units used in Rannamäe & Aguraiuja-Lätti (2023), where assemblages are divided between 'castle', 'urban', 'suburban', 'rural' and 'monastic' sites; additionally, 'urban (cesspit)' and 'urban (church yard)' are marked Comment = Additional information regarding the assemblages *** Table_2_Identifications_by_specimen.xlsx *** *** Analytical units in Rannamäe & Aguraiuja-Lätti 2023 *** PERIOD = Dating of the specimen by archaeological context, where MA - Middle Ages 1220-1558, MA I - 1220-1400, MA II - 1400-1558, EMP - Early Modern Period, EMP I - 1558-1710, EMP II - 1710-1800, MP - Modern Period 1800-... REGION = N-Estonia - Northern Estonia, S-Estonia - Southern Estonia, W-Estonia - Western Estonia SITE TYPE = Type of the archaeological site SITE = Short name of the archaeological site *** General information *** Tulme = Collection ID number Leiunumber = AZ collection number given to the bone fragment or fragment set Arv = Number of specimens (bones and/or fragments) Leiuaeg = Time of finding (i.e. archaeological fieldwork) Publitseeritud = Published (short reference marked) Kirjeldus = General description (incl. excavation method by hand/sieve) Märkused = General remarks (incl. taphonomy and sampling information) *** Find location *** Kaevand = Excavation plot Korris = Technical layer of the excavation plot Leiukoht = Description of the find location Ruut = Square of the excavation plot Sügavus max. = Maximal depth Sügavus min. = Minimal depth Laiuskraad (B) = Latitude (B) of the archaeological site/excavation plot Pikkuskraad (L) = Longitude (L) of the archaeological site/excavation plot *** Repository *** Hoidla = Depository Karbi nr = Box number *** Identification *** Loomarühm = Animal group Takson = Taxon Kehaosa = Body part Luu/jäänus = Bone/remain Pool = Side Sugu = Sex Patoloogiad = Pathologies Vanus = Age, i.e. juvenile/subadult/adult, empty cell is by default 'adult' Isend = Individual Kirjeldus (määrang) = Description (determination) Märkused (määrang) = Remarks (determination) Jäänuste arv = Number of specimens (bones and/or fragments) Märkused (jäänuste arv) = Remarks (number of specimens) Määraja 1 = Analyst 1 Määramise aeg = Time of identification Määraja 2 = Analyst 2 Määramise aeg 2 = Time of identification 2 *** Dating *** C14 dateering = 14C date Labori number = Lab number Arheoloogiline kontekst = Archaeological context Märkused (dateering) = Remarks (dating) *** Measurements (mm) *** Pikkus (L) max = Max. length Pikkus (L) min = Min. length Laius (W) max = Max. width Laius (W) min = Min. width Kõrgus (H) = Height Sügavus/läbimõõt (D) = Depth/diameter Märkused (mõõdud) = Remarks (measurements) *** Sampling protocol *** Proovivõtu protokolli nr = Sampling protocol number *** Table_3_Cattle_metacarpal_morphometrics.xlsx *** Collection ID = Collection ID number Site and year = Archaeological site and the year of excavations Site type = Type of the archaeological site Oxen/non-oxen area = Cultural tradition of using more oxen (oxen area - northern and western part of Estonia) or more horses (non-oxen area - southern part of Estonia) AZ number = AZ collection number given to the bone fragment or fragment set Period = Dating of the specimen by archaeological context, where MA - Middle Ages 1220-1558, MA I - 1220-1400, MA II - 1400-1558, EMP - Early Modern Period, EMP I - 1558-1710, EMP II - 1710-1800, MP - Modern Period 1800-... References for measurements data = Where measurements have initially been recorded Side = Body side of the skeletal element: right (dext), left (sin) Bd (after Driesch 1976) = Widest distal breadth GL (after Driesch 1976) = greatest length Wither's height (cm), after Matolcsi (1970) = Calculated as GL*6.18/10 *** Table_4_Stable_isotope_data *** Species = Species of the sampled specimen Sample No. = Sample number given for each sample during the lab work Site = Short name of the archaeological site Context = Type of the archaeological site Period = Dating of the specimen by archaeological context 13C (‰) = An isotopic signature, a measure of the ratio of the two stable isotopes of carbon – 13C and 12C – that are reported in parts per thousand (per mil, ‰) 15N (‰) = An isotopic signature, a measure of the ratio of the two stable isotopes of nitrogen – 15N and 14N – that are reported in parts per thousand (per mil, ‰) 34S (‰) = An isotopic signature, a measure of the ratio of the two stable isotopes of sulfur - 34S and 32S - that are reported in parts per thousand (per mil, ‰) Sample ID in collection (if available) = Specimen ID that contains collection ID, excavation year (for some of the samples), and specimen ID Publication = Publication where sample context, methodology, and data analysis are published