****************************************************************************************************************** *** Effect of Musical Expertise on the Perception of Duration and Pitch in Language: A Cross-linguistic Study *** ****************************************************************************************************************** Authors: Siqi Lyu, Nele Põldver, Liis Kask, Luming Wang, Kairi Kreegipuu Corresponding author: Kairi Kreegipuu Contact Information: kairi.kreegipuu@ut.ee Näituse 2, Tartu 50409, Tartu, Estonia ****** General Introduction ******
This project includes the raw EEG data. The R/Matlab scripts used for statistical analyses and plotting, as well as the raw AX data, are available separately on OSF: https://osf.io/ardfs/. This project only includes the musicians' raw EEG data. The non-musicians were selected from our other study by matching the gender and sex with the musicians. The non-musicians raw EEG data are not uploaded here to avoid repetition but are available at https://datadoi.ee/handle/33/566. The data was collected at the Cross-linguistic and Brain Sciences Lab at Zhejiang University of Technology, China, between May–June 2021, and at the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology at the University of Tartu, Estonia, between November 2021 to April 2022. ****** 0_raw_EEG_and_AX_data (non-musicians) ****** The following non-musician subjects were selected from our other study. CHN (n=22): G1_02 G1_08 G1_11 G1_16 G1_19 G1_20 G3_02 G3_04 G3_07 G3_11 G3_12 G3_13 G3_18 G3_20 G5_03 G5_06 G5_08 G5_10 G5_14 G5_16 G5_19 G5_20 EST (n=23): G1_03 G1_07 G1_10 G1_11 G1_13 G1_15 G1_17 G1_21 G3_04 G3_06 G3_08 G3_14 G3_15 G3_19 G3_21 G5_03 G5_05 G5_06 G5_07 G5_08 G5_13 G5_20 G5_21 ****** 0_raw_EEG_data (musicians) ****** *** Equipment *** EST: Biosemi 64-channel system, recorded by software ActiView CHN: Brain Products actiCHamp 64-channel system, recorded by software BrainVision Recorder *** Data format *** EST: each recording session generated one .bdf data file CHN: each recording session generated one .eeg, one .vhdr, and one .vmrk data file *** Naming convention *** Group number _ Subject number Native language Age Gender _ series order _ series name e.g., G7_01CN18F_1_JIDI1.eeg NB! 1. G7_18 in the CHN dataset was excluded because of program crash and discomfort in the subject; 2. G7_05 in the EST dataset was excluded because of left-handedness. 3. The series "JIDI2" was for our other project and was not analyzed in the current paper. *** Event markers/triggers in the raw EEG data *** Sada word: 128 (Q2-170), 64 (Q2-290), 32 (Q3-170), 16 (Q3-290) Sada pure tone: 128 (Q2-170), 64 (Q2-290), 32 (Q3-170), 16 (Q3-290) Jidi word: 128 (T1-150), 64 (T1-250), 32 (T2-150), 16 (T2-250) Jidi pure tone: 128 (T1-150), 64 (T1-250), 32 (T2-150), 16 (T2-250)