In English: Dataset name: Fire Weather Index (FWI) for Estonia for growing seasons 2018 and 2019. This dataset creation is a part of RITA1/02-52 "Use of remote sensing data for elaboration and development of public services (1.01.2019−31.12.2020)" and its work-package “Prevention and suppression of wildfires“. The original methodology applied for FWI index calculation is described in: •C. E. Van Wagner (1987). Development and Structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Canadian forest service, Forestry Technical report 35, Ottawa. •Y. Wang, K. R. Anderson, and R. M. Suddaby (2015). Updated source code for calculating fire danger indices in the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Canadian forest service, Information report NOR-X-424, Ottawa. Dataset consists of: •Files of calculated FWI over Estonian territory for growing seasons – April to October – of years 2018 and 2019. Data format is geotiff. One file per date, name stucture fwi_YYYY-MM-DD.tif •Files of illustrations of FWI values and values of intermediate results of FWI calculation. Dates were selected with 5–day interval. Data format is JPG, name structure all_indeksid_YYYY-MM-DD.jpg Eesti keeles: Andmekogumi nimetus: 2018. ja 2019. a kasvuperioodide tuleohu ilmastikuindeks (Fire Weather Index, FWI). Selle andmekogumi loomine oli osa RITA1/02-52 "Kaugseire andmete kasutuselevõtt avalike teenuste väljatöötamisel ja arendamisel (1.01.2019−31.12.2020)" projektist ja projekti tööpaketi "Maastikutulekahjude ennetamine ja likvideerimine" osa. Metodoloogia alused on kirjeldatud: •C. E. Van Wagner (1987). Development and Structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Canadian forest service, Forestry Technical report 35, Ottawa. •Y. Wang, K. R. Anderson, and R. M. Suddaby (2015). Updated source code for calculating fire danger indices in the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Canadian forest service, Information report NOR-X-424, Ottawa. Andmekogum koosneb: • Failid mis sisaldavad arvutatud FWI-d üle kogu Eesti territooriumi 2018. ja 2019. a kasvuperioodidel - aprillist oktoobri lõpuni. Andmed on geotiff formaadis. Faili nime struktuur fwi_YYYY-MM-DD.tif • faili mis sisaldavad illustratsioone FWI väärtuste ja FWI arvutamise vahetulemuste väärtuste kohta. Kuupäevad valiti 5-päevase intervalliga. Andmete formaat on JPG. Faili nime struktuur all_indeksid_YYYY-MM-DD.tif