Soilmap of Estonia - Estonian Landboard (Mullastiku kaart - Maa-Amet) This is a reference archive for the soilmap of Estonia. It serves as point of reference and archive for subsequent and dependent work in order to be able to relate derivatives back to original source by the Landboard. - origin link: - related metadata link:{55C38D5E-A29D-4410-B5A9-DC9F6BB13B94} - open data license: Files included: - The complete soilmap with all original attributes in Shapefile format. Reliable UTF-8 encoded for special characters. ( Kogu andmebaas ESRI Shape formaadis, 817.95 MB, 1.03.2017 ). - muldade_tabel.pdf: Estonian basic soil types. 2 pages PDF ( Mullatüüpide loetelu, 166.62 KB, 11.12.2009 ) - mullalegend.pdf: Description of Estonian texture codes and additional indocators for coarse fragments and humus horizon, etc. ( Tähistused mullakaardil, 204.33 KB, 11.12.2009 ) - mullakaardi_seletuskiri.pdf: 46 pages PDF including explainations on history etc. (Põhjalikuma ülevaate annab seletuskiri, 824.13 KB, 11.12.2009 ) - checksums.txt: contains the md5 and sha256 checksums of the aforementioned files calculated on Windows 10 with the certutil.exe program in order to be able to check for changes or manipulations - HTML archive of the webpage at Maaamet Geoportal where the soil data could be downloaded Abstract in English: The digital soil map of Estonia was produced at the scale 1:10 000 (the available maps at the scale 1:5000 were reduced and generalized to correspond the scale 1:10 000). The Estonian Land Board needs the data mostly for land valuation purposes. Other users include the Ministry of Agriculture, agricultural advisers, forest managers, etc. The data covers the whole territory of Estonia except the land of towns and settlements, the total covered area is 43300 km² (2045 map sheets). The data (graphical and attributes) is also loaded into Oracle spatial database and can be used as a background map in the Cadastral Information System. Since the end of the project in year 2000, no map updates have been produced, however in 2012-2015 the significant effort has been made to improve the technical quality of the data. Main attributes: Mullastiku kaardil kujutatud objektid (areaalid) on varustatud järgmiste atribuut/tärkandmetega: - SIFFER (soil type) - mulla nimetuse tähistus (šiffer) - SIF1-4,OSA1-4 - mullakomplekside tähistus mullanimetuste ja nende osatähtsusega - BONITEET () - arvutuslik, perspektiivne boniteet, mis on võimalik saavutada peale maaparandust - LOIMIS1,LOIMIS2 (soil physical texture expressed in a sequence of codes) - lõimise kompleksside komponendid, läbiuuritud kihtide kaupa (Lõimis ehk mehaaniline koosseis - mulla füüsikalise savi sisaldus (mulla osakesed alla 0,01mm läbimõõduga)) - LIHTLOIMIS (simplified texture, an attempt to generalize/standardise for easier use, but not very systematic nor reliable) - lihtlõimis, lõimise tähistus ilma täiendite ja kihtide tüseduseta - HUUMUS (organic horizon information) - mulla huumus- või turbahorisondi tüsedus sentimeetrites, keskmisena või valdava vahemikuna - KIVISUS (more detailed information about type, shape and amount of larger rocks content) - üle 20 cm läbimõõduga kivide maht m3/ha ülemises 30cm mullakihis, väljendatakse kivisuse astmena