Now showing items 21-25 of 331

    • Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu raadiosaadete korpus 

      Lippus, Pärtel; Alumäe, Tanel; Orasmaa, Siim; Tsepelina, Katrin; Lindström, Liina (Tartu Ülikool, eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut, 2023-11-13)
      Korpus koosneb ERR-i raadiosaadetest ja nende transkriptsioonidest. Korpuses on 53 000 raadiosaadet kogukestusega 16 tuhat tundi, mis on salvestatud vahemikus 1930–2022. Salvestused on transkribeeritud Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ...
    • Eesti detektorileidude atlas ja detektorileidude ontoloogiate kaardistamine (EDAO) 

      Kurisoo, Tuuli; Posti, Mari-Liis (Tallinna Ülikool, Humanitaarteaduste instituut, 2023)
      Käesolev andmestik koosneb EDAO projekti tööpakketide 2 ja 3 aruandest ning esemeliikide skeemidest. Aruanne ja esemeliikide skeemid on seotud EKKD75 projektiga, mis sai rahastuse programmist „Eesti keel ja kultuur digiajastul ...
    • N2 adsorption isotherm data of briquettes made from red and white clays with sand and chalk tempers fired at 600 and 800 °C 

      Cayme, Jan-Michael C.; Palm, Rasmus (University of Tartu, 2023-10)
      N2 adsorption isotherm data of clay briquettes made from red and white clay with sand and chalk tempers fired at 600 and 800 °C. N2 adsorption isotherms of bulk sand and briquettes made from bulk white and red clay fired ...
    • Phonetic Corpus of Estonian Spontaneous Speech v1.3 

      Lippus, Pärtel; Aare, Kätlin; Malmi, Anton; Tuisk, Tuuli; Teras, Pire (Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu, 2023-10-20)
      The Phonetic Corpus of Estonian Spontaneous Speech consists of recordings that have been annotated on different linguistic tiers including words and segments and their boundaries in the speech signal. The corpus mainly ...
    • Effect of Musical Expertise the Perception of Duration and Pitch in Language: A Cross-linguistic Study 

      Lyu, Siqi; Põldver, Nele; Kask, Liis; Wang, Luming; Kreegipuu, Kairi (University of Tartu, Institute of Psychology, 2023)
      This study adopts a cross-linguistic perspective and investigates how musical expertise affects the perception of duration and pitch in language. Native speakers of Chinese (N=44) and Estonian (N=46), each group subdivided ...