Eesti geenivaramu on loonud Eestile riikliku biopanga, millega on liitunud juba rohkem kui 200 000 inimest (geenidoonorit) ja mis peegeldab üldiselt Eesti elanikonna soolist, vanuselist ja geograafilist jaotust. Arvestades, et biopanka kuulub 20% Eesti täisealisest elanikkonnast, on tõepoolest tegemist nii kodumaise kui ka rahvusvahelise bioloogia- ja arstiteaduse arengu jaoks väga olulise andmebaasiga.


Institute of Genomics contributes to transdisciplinary research and application based on omics reseach and methods and also teaches University of Tartu students. Institute of Genomics was established to promote greater synergy between genomic-based research, teaching and other scientific fields. This allows more effective collaboration with different research centres and universities and greater recognition among global scientific community. New institute also allows more effective use of infrastructure, competence, contacts and helps develop new partnerships with private sector.

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