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Tartu Ülikooli füüsika instituut kuulub ülikooli loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkonna koosseisu. Instituudi põhiülesanne on õppe- ning teadus- ja arendustöö tegemine ning ühiskonnale vajalike teenuste osutamine füüsikas, materjaliteaduses ja nende siduserialadel.
The Institute of Physics pursues teaching, research, and development as well as serving the society in physics, materials science and related subjects.
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Graphene-mediated blister-based laser-induced forward transfer of thin and ultra-thin ZrO2
(University of Tartu, 2024-06)Blister-based laser-induced forward transfer (BB-LIFT) is a promising high precision and resolution printing technique for the fast, solvent- and mask-free transfer of functional layered materials onto micro-devices. It ... -
Lifetime of anthropogenic aerosol perturbations on clouds seen from geostationary SEVIRI satellite data
(University of Tartu, Institute of Physics, 2023)The impacts of anthropogenic aerosols on clouds are the most uncertain drivers of anthropogenic climate forcing. Ship-track-like strong anthropogenic cloud perturbations can help reduce these uncertainties. Using geostationary ... -
Pollution track days
(University of Tartu, 2021)Dates of polluted cloud tracks identified in MODIS satellite data. -
Anthropogenic aerosol impacts on clouds from SEVIRI satellite data
(2021-05)Anthropogenic aerosols offset an unknown fraction of greenhouse gas warming. We use geostationary satellite data to analyse continental polluted cloud tracks originating from isolated heavy industrial pollution sources in ... -
Large-scale polluted cloud tracks
(2020-05-15)Polluted cloud tracks identified in MODIS satellite data.