Now showing items 37-56 of 107

    • Drone survey raw data based on an example construction project (50 weeks) 

      Puust, Raido (2020-11-30)
      Data presents drone survey raw data (from different flight altitudes) which has been gathered during the TalTech Study Building reconstruction (Mäepealse 3, 12618, Tallinn, Estonia) during November 2019 - November 2020.
    • eDNA meetodi väljaarendamine (krüptiliste) võõrliikide varajaseks tuvastamiseks 

      Panksep, Kristel; Kisand, Veljo; Vasemägi, Anti (Tartu Ülikool, 2021-06)
      Läänemere seire üldine eesmärk on hinnata looduslike ja inimtekkeliste survetegurite mõju ja ulatust Läänemere keskkonnale ja elustikule. Mereseire allprogrammi rannikumere seire osana teostatakse ka võõrliikide seiret, ...
    • Eesti Infoturbestandardi (E-ITS) põhine turbe hindamise instrument / Estonian Information security Standard (E-ITS) based security level evaluation instrument 

      Seeba, Mari (Tartu Ülikool arvutiteaduse instituut, 2021)
      The tool is designed to evaluate the information security level of organizations or business processes. The tool is based on the maturity model framework using the Estonian Information Security Standard (E-ITS) content. ...
    • Eesti maapõue kirjeldamise standardiseerimine. 

      Meidla, Tõnu; Ani, Tavo; Lasberg, Katrin (2017)
      Üleminekuga digitaalsele geoloogilisele kaardistamisele astuti Eestis oluline samm lähemale maapõue 3D mudelite süstemaatilise kasutamise suunas. Kogu Eestit käsitlevate mudelite koostamine peaks põhimõtteliselt tuginema ...
    • Eesti merekeskkonna seireprogrammi täiendamise ettepanek 

      Martin, Georg (Tartu Ülikool, 2022)
      Eesti merekeskkonna seire allprogrammi arendamisel on väga oluline roll olnud just rahvusvaheliselt kokku lepitud merekeskkonna kaitsmise ja seisundi hindamise kohustustel nagu 1992.a vastu võetud Läänemere piirkonna ...
    • Ehitustegevuse planeerimine ja järelevalve 

      Puust, Raido; Varbla, Sander (2020)
    • Electromechanically active polymer actuators based on biofriendly choline ionic liquids 

      Elhi, Fred; Priks, Hans; Rinne, Pille; Kaldalu, Niilo; Žusinaite, Eva; Johanson, Urmas; Aabloo, Alvo; Tamm, Tarmo; Põhako-Esko, Kaija (2020-03-11)
      Smart and soft electroactive polymer actuators have many beneficial properties, making them attractive for biomimetic and biomedical applications. However, the selection of components to fabricate biofriendly composites ...
    • ESTHub analüüs 

      CGI Eesti AS (2020)
      Analüüsis kirjeldatakse ESTHubi kui riiklikku satelliidiandmete ühtset platvormi ning tuuakse välja juhised ja soovitused ESTHubi kasutuselevõtuks võttes aluseks RITA KAUGSEIRE raames välja töötatud teaduspõhised prototüübid.
    • Estonian wetland forest 

      Mander, Ülo (Tartu Ülikool, 2021)
      Nitrous oxide observations from the soil, stems and ecosystem (eddy covariance), meteorological and soil chemical measurements in the Agali experimental forest, Estonia, 2017-2019
    • Experience-based Analysis Method - the Evaluation data 

      Piirisild, Anu; Perandrés Gómez, Ana (Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituut, 2024)
      The dataset contains the data that were created to evaluate the Experience-based Analysis (EbA) method. The data is being made public to act as supplementary data for the EbA method evaluation. The EbA method has been ...
    • Feature database of Estonian agricultural parcels for crop classification (years 2018-2019). 

      Voormansik, Kaupo; Järveoja, Mihkel; Sünter, Indrek; Tamm, Tanel; Lang, Mait; Sagris, Valentina; Domnich, Marharyta (2020)
      Feature database of Estonian agricultural parcels for crop classification (years 2018-2019). Sentinel-1 and -2 and additional geospatial feature set time series about Estonian agricultural parcels 2018-2019. The time series ...
    • FinEstIon2003_06. Dataset of air ion and atmospheric nanoparticle measurements 

      Tammet, Hannes; Hõrrak, Urmas (Tartu Ülikool, 2015-02-26)
    • Fire Weather Index (FWI) for Estonia for growing seasons 2018 and 2019 

      Sagris, Valentina; Oja, Tõnu; Muru, Merle; Sepp, Edgar (2020-12-01)
      The Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System (Van Wagner 1987) is a weather-based means of calculating potential fire conditions. Canadian research on forest fire danger rating was started in the 1920s, but in recent ...
    • Framework for Security Level Evaluation (F4SLE) E-ITS based ver 2021-1 

      Seeba, Mari (Institute of Computer Science of University of Tartu, 2022-12-20)
      F4SLE provides to the institutions with E-ITS-based repeatable and comparable results for evaluating the performance of information security management, both for self-assessment and monitoring in the various stages of the ...
    • Graphene-mediated blister-based laser-induced forward transfer of thin and ultra-thin ZrO2 

      Baloglu, Ahmet Burak; Kodu, Margus; Kozlova, Jekaterina; Kahro, Tauno; Jaaniso, Raivo (University of Tartu, 2024-06)
      Blister-based laser-induced forward transfer (BB-LIFT) is a promising high precision and resolution printing technique for the fast, solvent- and mask-free transfer of functional layered materials onto micro-devices. It ...
    • GRQA: Global River Water Quality Archive 

      Virro, Holger; Amatulli, Giuseppe; Kmoch, Alexander; Shen, Longzhu; Uuemaa, Evelyn (2021-02-15)
      A major problem related to large-scale water quality modeling has been the lack of available observation data with a good spatiotemporal coverage. This has affected the reproducibility of previous studies and the potential ...
    • The high-resolution topsoil plant-available phosphorus map of Estonia 

      Kull, Anne; Kikas, Tambet; Penu, Priit; Kull, Ain (University of Tartu, 2023-04-21)
      The high-resolution (1:10,000) hybrid topsoil plant-available phosphorus map was produced by combining: (a) arable-land polygons with the median topsoil P value, (b) the machine learning bagging model based predicted values ...
    • HPC Cloud traces for better cloud service reliability 

      Dehury, Chinmaya Kumar; Chhetri, Tek Raj; Lind, Artjom; Srirama, Satish Narayana; Fensel, Anna (Semantic Technology Institute (STI) Innsbruck, Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria; Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Estonia; School of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Hyderabad, India, 2021)
      This data is in support of the research on "A combined system metrics approach to cloud service reliability using artificial intelligence" (doi: 10.20944/preprints202111.0548.v1)
    • Hüperspektraalsed kaugseire pildid 

      Vahtmäe, Ele; Kutser, Tiit (2020)