Now showing items 48-170 of 170

      hääldamine [1]
      hääldustreening [1]
      Hunter-gatherer [2]
      Imaging in paleopathology [1]
      Inari Saami [1]
      industrial archaeology [1]
      Infant remains [1]
      Inhumation burials [1]
      intensity [1]
      internet speech [1]
      intervocalic [1]
      katseline semantika [1]
      keeleteadus [1]
      Khasi [1]
      Klaipėda Castle [1]
      Kodavere, sünnimeetrika, 19. sajand [1]
      korpus [2]
      language [1]
      Late Bronze Age [1]
      liivi keel [1]
      linguistics [2]
      Livonian [1]
      material culture [1]
      Meadow Mari [1]
      medieval [1]
      Medieval and Early Modern [1]
      Metabolic bone disease [1]
      Middle Ages [2]
      migrant workers [1]
      morfoloofiline märgendus [1]
      morfoloogiline märgendus [1]
      morphological analysis [4]
      morphological annotation [2]
      morphologically annotated text [2]
      morphometrics [2]
      motion [1]
      motion speed [1]
      Muiñ [1]
      multimodal speech [2]
      multivariate analysis [1]
      murded [1]
      murdeintervjuud [1]
      murdetekstid [1]
      New-born skeletons [1]
      Nitrogen [1]
      Nouns [1]
      Paleopathology [1]
      Pärand [1]
      Päranditurism [1]
      peer review, peer feedback, academic writing groups, doctorate students, hedging devices, social presence [1]
      phoneme frequency [1]
      phoneme segments [1]
      phonetic annotation [2]
      Phonetics [1]
      phonetics [1]
      Photographic imaging [1]
      Physical Anthropology [2]
      Pitch [1]
      pitch [2]
      podcast [1]
      polüseemia [1]
      post-medieval archaeology [3]
      prosody [1]
      quality [1]
      quality of segments [1]
      Quantity [1]
      quantity [3]
      R code [1]
      radio shows [1]
      Reflectance Transformation Imaging [2]
      Rickets [1]
      Rivers [1]
      RTI Builder [1]
      RTI imaging [2]
      RTI Paleopathology [1]
      RTI Viewer [1]
      RTIBuilder [1]
      RTIViewer [1]
      Scurvy [1]
      segmental duration [2]
      segmental phonetics [1]
      semantika [1]
      semantika, liikumisverbid, sorteerimiskatse, hiireliigutuste trajektoorid, horisontaalsus/vertikaalsus [1]
      sense embeddings [1]
      Shad Khla [1]
      space [1]
      speech corpus [5]
      speech rate [1]
      speed [2]
      spoken Estonian [2]
      spoken language [1]
      Spontaneous Speech [1]
      spontaneous speech [2]
      stable isotope analysis [1]
      stable isotopes [1]
      stress [1]
      Syllable [1]
      Talet Makri [1]
      Tamula settlement and burial site [1]
      taphonomy [1]
      Tartu [1]
      teenager language [1]
      Therinia Makri [1]
      three-way quantity [1]
      time aligned annotation [1]
      transcription [2]
      transcriptions [1]
      Turism [1]
      Urban studies [1]
      vanaDNA [1]
      Variation in language [1]
      Viljandi [1]
      voice quality [2]
      vowel quality [1]
      Vowels [1]
      Water [1]
      Weretiger [1]
      word embeddings [1]
      word frequency [2]
      word prosody [1]
      Written and spoken corpus [1]
      zooarchaeology [6]
      Zoosemiotics [1]